Final Fantasy Compendium

FFX-2 Jobs

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NAME: Alchemist
OVERVIEW: See Chemist.

NAME: Berserker
OVERVIEW: See Berserker.

NAME: Black Mage
OVERVIEW: See Black Mage.

NAME: Dark Knight
OVERVIEW: See Dark Knight.

NAME: Festival-Goer (A.K.A. Omatsurishi)
OVERVIEW: Only available in International + Last Mission.
WEAPONS: Umbrella
  • Toy Fireworks - Recover half of own HP and remove Poison, Silence, Darkness, and/or Slow
  • Pinwheel - Damage and inflict Confuse on target
  • Fireworks Piece - Damage one target
  • Festival Fireworks - Damage all enemies
  • Flame Geta - Cast Fire/Fira/Firaga on one or two enemies
  • Ice Geta - Cast Blizzard/Blizzara/Blizzaga on one or two enemies
  • Thunder Geta - Cast Thunder/Thundara/Thundaga on one or two enemies
  • Water Geta - Cast Water/Watera/Waterga on one or two enemies
  • Flare Geta - Cast Stone/Berserk/Sleep/Flare on one or two enemies
  • Ultima Geta - Cast Death/Blind/Silence/Ultima on one or all enemies
    Support Abilities: Piercing Magic (ignore Reflect on enemies), Silenceproof, Itchproof
  • Toy Fireworks - Recover half of own HP and remove Poison, Silence, Darkness, and/or Slow
  • Pinwheel - Damage and inflict Confuse on target
  • Fireworks Piece - Damage one target
  • Festival Fireworks - Damage all enemies
  • Flame Goldfish - Fire-elemental damage on one enemy
  • Ice Goldfish - Ice-elemental damage on one enemy
  • Thunder Goldfish - Lightning-elemental damage on one enemy
  • Water Goldfish - Water-elemental damage on one enemy
  • Gravity Goldfish - Gravity-elemental damage on one enemy
  • Holy Goldfish - Holy-elemental damage on one enemy
    Support Abilities: Slowproof, Stopproof, Itchproof
  • Toy Fireworks - Recover half of own HP and remove Poison, Silence, Darkness, and/or Slow
  • Pinwheel - Damage and inflict Confuse on target
  • Fireworks Piece - Damage one target
  • Festival Fireworks - Damage all enemies
  • Darkness O-men - Damage and cast Blind on enemy
  • Silence O-men - Damage and cast Silence on enemy
  • Sleep O-men - Damage and cast Sleep on enemy
  • Poison O-men - Damage and cast Poison on enemy
  • Stop O-men - Damage and cast Stop on enemy
  • Petrify O-men - Damage and cast Stone on enemy
    Support Abilities: Slowproof, Stopproof, SOS Haste
    ATTRIBUTES: High HP, high attack power, high magic defense, low luck, low defense

    NAME: Floral Fallal
    OVERVIEW: Yuna's special dressphere.
  • Great Whirl - Hit random targets with heavy non-elemental damage
  • Libra - View enemy info
  • Heat Whirl - Hit random targets with small fire-elemental attacks
  • Ice Whirl - Hit random targets with small ice-elemental attacks
  • Electric Whirl - Hit random targets with small lightning-elemental attacks
  • Aqua Whirl - Hit random targets with small water-elemental attacks
  • Barrier - Cast Shell on party
  • Shield - Cast Protect on party
  • Flare Whirl - Hit random targets with Flare spells
  • All-Life - Revive party
    Support Abilities: Ribbon, Double HP, Triple HP, Break HP Limit, Break Damage Limit
    Left Pistil:
  • Left Stigma - Damage an enemy
    Left Pistilplay:
  • Dream Pollen - Damage and inflict Sleep on all enemies
  • Mad Seeds - Damage and inflict Berserk on all enemies
  • Sticky Honey - Damage and inflict Slow on all enemies
  • Halfdeath Petals - Damage and cast Demi on all enemies
  • Poison Leaves - Damage and inflict Poison on all enemies
  • Death Petals - Damage and inflict Death on all enemies
  • Dream Pollen - Damage and inflict Sleep on all enemies
  • Silent White - Damage and inflict Silence on all enemies
  • Congealed Honey - Damage and inflict Stop on all enemies
  • Panic Floralysis - Damage and inflict Confuse on all enemies
  • Ash Floralysis - Damage and inflict Stone on all enemies
    Support Abilities: Ribbon, Double HP, Triple HP, Break HP Limit, Break Damage Limit
    Right Pistil:
  • Right Stigma - Damage an enemy
    Right Pistilplay:
  • White Pollen - Restore HP to party
  • White Honey - Cast Regen on party
  • Hard Leaves - Increase defense
  • Tough Nuts - Increase magic defense
  • Mirror Petals - Cast Reflect on party
  • Floral Rush - Cast Haste on party
  • Floral Bomb - Damage and reduce enemy's attack power
  • Fallal Bomb - Damage and reduce enemy's defense
  • Floral Magisol - Damage and reduce enemy's magic power
  • Fallal Magisol - Damage and reduce enemy's magic defense power
    Support Abilities: Ribbon, Double HP, Triple HP, Break HP Limit, Break Damage Limit

    NAME: Full Throttle
    OVERVIEW: Paine's special dressphere.
  • Fright - Damage, delay turn, and cast Confuse on enemy
  • Sword Dance - Damage all enemies
  • Aestus - Fire-elemental damage
  • Winterkill - Ice-elemental damage
  • Whelman - Water-elemental damage
  • Levin - Lightning-elemental damage
  • Wisenen - Reduce enemy HP by 1/4
  • Fiers - Deal critical damage to enemy
  • Deeth - Cast Death on enemy
  • Assoil - Holy-elemental damage
    Support Abilities: Ribbon, Double HP, Triple HP, Break HP Limit, Break Damage Limit
    Sinistral Wing:
  • Stamina - Recover target's HP
  • Mettle - Recover target's MP
  • Reboot - Guard against status effects
    Sinistral Arts:
  • Steel Feather - Raise party's attack power
  • Diamond Feather - Raise party's defense
  • White Feather - Decrease all enemies' attack power
  • Buckle Feather - Decrease all enemies' defense
  • Cloudy Feather - Decrease all enemies' magic power
  • Pointed Feather - Decrease all enemies' magic defense
  • Pumice Feather - Cast Haste on party
  • Ma'at's Feather - View enemy information
    Support Abilities: Ribbon, Double HP, Triple HP, Break HP Limit, Break Damage Limit
    Dexteral Wing:
  • Stamina - Recover target's HP
  • Mettle - Recover target's MP
  • Reboot - Guard against status effects
    Dexteral Arts:
  • Venom Wing - Damage and cast Poison on one enemy
  • Blind Wing - Damage and cast Blind on one enemy
  • Mute Wing - Damage and cast Silence on one enemy
  • Rock Wing - Damage and cast Stone on one enemy
  • Lazy Wing - Damage and cast Sleep on one enemy
  • Violent Wing - Damage and cast Berserk on one enemy
  • Still Wing - Damage and cast Stop on one enemy
  • Crazy Wing - Damage and cast Confuse on one enemy
    Support Abilities: Ribbon, Double HP, Triple HP, Break HP Limit, Break Damage Limit

    NAME: Gun Mage
    OVERVIEW: See Blue Mage.

    NAME: Gunner
    OVERVIEW: See Gunner.

    NAME: Lady Luck
    OVERVIEW: See Gambler.

    NAME: Machina Maw
    OVERVIEW: Rikku's special dressphere.
  • Revival - Revive a party member
  • Vajra - Damage all enemies
  • Death Missile - Damage and cast Death on an enemy.
  • Bio Missile - Damage and cast Bio on an enemy.
  • Break Missile - Damage and cast Stone on an enemy.
  • Berserk Missile - Damage and cast Berserk on an enemy.
  • Stop Missile - Damage and cast Stop on an enemy.
  • Confuse Missile - Damage and cast Confuse on an enemy.
  • Shockwave - Damage all enemies with a jump
  • Shockstorm - Damage all enemies with a jump and delay their turns
    Support Abilities: Ribbon, Double HP, Triple HP, Break HP Limit, Break Damage Limit
    Crusher - L:
  • Homing Ray - Damage an enemy
  • HP Repair - Recover target's HP
  • MP Repair - Reciver target's MP
  • Howitzer - Damage one enemy
  • Blind Shell - Damage and inflict Blind on one enemy
  • Silence Shell - Damage and inflict Silence on one enemy
  • Anti-Magic Shell - Damage and reduce enemy's magic power
  • Anti-Mental Shell - Damage and reduce enemy's magic defense power
  • Booster - Cast Haste on party
  • Offence - Raise ally's strength
  • Defense - Raise ally's defense
    Support Abilities: Ribbon, Double HP, Triple HP, Break HP Limit, Break Damage Limit
    Smasher - R:
  • Homing Ray - Damage one enemy
  • HP Repair - Recover target's HP
  • MP Repair - Reciver target's MP
  • Howitzer - Damage one enemy
  • Sleep Shell - Damage and inflict Sleep on one enemy
  • Slow Shell - Damage and inflict Slow on one enemy
  • Anti-Power Shell - Damage and reduce enemy's attack power
  • Anti-Armor Shell - Damage and reduce enemy's defense
  • Scan - View enemy statistics
  • Shelter - Cast Shell on party
  • Protector - Cast Protect on party
    Support Abilities: Ribbon, Double HP, Triple HP, Break HP Limit, Break Damage Limit

    NAME: Mascot
    OVERVIEW: This class has different abilities for each girl, since they each have a different costume.
    WEAPONS: Yuna - Moogle w/ Moomba doll, Rikku - Cait Sith w/ Pupu doll, Paine - Tonberry w/ Cactuar doll
    Moogle (Yuna):
  • Moogle Jolt - Restore target's MP
  • Moogle Cure - Restore target's HP and remove status effects
  • Moogle Regen - Cast Haste and Regen on target
  • Moogle Wall - Cast Shell and Protect on target
  • Moogle Life - Revive and fully restore target's HP
  • Moogle Curema - Restore party's HP and remove status effects
  • Moogle Regenja - Cast Haste and Regen on party
  • Moogle Wallja - Cast Shell and Protect on party
  • Moogle Lifeja - Revive and fully restore party's HP
  • Moogle Beam - Damage one enemy
  • Swordplay - Use all Warrior magic skills
  • Arcana - Use all Dark Knight magic skills
    Cait Sith (Rikku):
  • Cait Fire - Fire-elemental damage and chance of casting Poison or Stone on all enemies
  • Cait Thunder - Lightning-elemental damage and chance of casting Poison or Stone on all enemies
  • Cait Blizzard - Ice-elemental damage and chance of casting Poison or Stone on all enemies
  • Cait Water - Water-elemental damage and chance of casting Poison or Stone on all enemies
  • Power Eraser - Lower all enemies' attack power
  • Armor Eraser - Lower all enemies' defense
  • Magic Eraser - Lower all enemies' magic power
  • Mental Eraser - Lower all enemies' magic defense
  • Speed Eraser - Lower all enemies' evasion
  • Pupu Platter - Instantly kill all enemies, high chance of failure
  • Instinct - User all Berserker magic skills
  • White Magic - User all White Mage magic skills
    Tonberry (Paine):
  • Dark Knife - Damage and cast Blind on enemy
  • Silence Knife - Damage and cast Silence on enemy
  • Sleep Knife - Damage and cast Sleep on enemy
  • Berserk Knife - Damage and cast Berserk on enemy
  • Poison Knife - Damage and cast Poison on enemy
  • Stone Knife - Damage and cast Stone on enemy
  • Stop Knife - Damage and cast Stop on enemy
  • Quartet Knife - Lower enemy's attack power, defense, magic power, and magic defense
  • Arsenic Knife - Instantly kill enemy, high chance of failure
  • Cactling Gun - Inflict heavy damage on enemy
  • Bushido - User all Samurai magic skills
  • Black Magic - User all Black Mage magic skills
  • SUPPORT ABILITIES: Ribbon, Auto-Shell, Auto-Protect
    ATTRIBUTES: High HP, high MP, high defense, high magic defense, high agility, high accuracy

    NAME: Psychicer (A.K.A. Saikikka)
    OVERVIEW: Only available in International + Last Mission.
    WEAPONS: Sparklies (?)
  • Psycho Bomb - Damage one target
  • Telekinesis - Remove one enemy from battle, high chance of failure
  • Mazer Eye - Damage one target
  • Brain Storm - Cast Confuse and Silence on all enemies
  • Time Trip - All time stops for ten seconds, except for user. Dressphere change is disabled during this time
  • Express - Cast Haste on self, increase Accuracy and Evasion
  • Magic Guard - Nullify all magic attacks on target
  • Physics Guaud - Nullify all physical attacks on target
  • Teleportation - Teleport behind target
  • Excellence - Become invincible to all types of damage except status attacks
  • SUPPORT ABILITIES: Fire Eater, Ice Eater, Lightning Eater, Water Eater, Gravity Eater

    NAME: Samurai
    OVERVIEW: See Samurai.

    NAME: Songstress
    OVERVIEW: See Bard and Dancer.

    NAME: Thief
    OVERVIEW: See Thief.

    NAME: Trainer
    OVERVIEW: This class has different abilities for each girl, since they each have a different pet. Similar to Rinoa's Angelo limit break.
    WEAPONS: Yuna - Kogoro (dog), Rikku - Ghiki (monkey), Paine - Flurry (raptor)
    Kogoro (Yuna):
  • Holy Kogoro - Holy-elemental damage
  • Kogoro Blaze - Fire-elemental damage and chance of casting Blind
  • Kogoro Freeze - Ice-elemental damage and chance of casting Stop
  • Kogoro Shock - Lightning-elemental damage and chance of casting Berserk
  • Kogoro Deluge - Water-elemental damage and chance of casting Sleep
  • Kogoro Strike - Instantly kill one enemy, high chance of failure
  • Doom Kogoro - Cast Doom on one enemy
  • Kogoro Cure - Recover target's HP
  • Kogoro Remedy - Remove status effects on target
  • Pound! - Kogoro and buddies attack enemy
    Ghiki (Rikku):
  • Sneaky Ghiki - Damage and steal gil from enemy
  • Ghiki Gouge - Damage and cast Blind on enemy
  • Ghiki Gag - Damage and cast Silence on enemy
  • Mugger Ghiki - Damage and steal items from enemy
  • Pesky Ghiki - Damage and cast Berserk on enemy
  • Bully Ghiki - Damage and delay enemy's turn
  • Ghiki Meds - Remove status effects from target
  • Ghiki Pep - Recover target's HP
  • Ghiki Cheer - Raise ally's attack and defense power
  • Swarm, Swarm! - Ghiki and buddies attack enemy
    Flurry (Paine):
  • Carrier Flurry - Instantly kill one enemy, high chance of failure
  • Poison Flurry - Damage and cast Poison on enemy
  • Stone Flurry - Damage and cast Stone on enemy
  • Death Flurry - Damage and cast Death on enemy
  • Flurry Guard - Recover target's HP and cast Protect
  • Flurry Speed - Recover target's HP and cast Haste
  • Flurry Shield - Recover target's HP and cast Shell
  • HP Flurry - Recover target's HP
  • Recovery Flurry - Remove status effects from target
  • Maulwings! - Flurry and buddies attack enemy
  • SUPPORT ABILITIES: Half MP Cost, HP Stroll, MP Stroll, [pet] Lv. 2, [pet] Lv. 3

    NAME: Warrior
    OVERVIEW: This is Paine's default job. This class is basically a combination of Soldier and Magic Knight, with the addition of the Paladin's protective abilities.
    WEAPONS: Sword
  • Sentinel - Decrease physical damage for one turn
  • Assault - Cast Berserk, Haste, Shell, and Protect on party
  • Flametongue - Inflict fire-elemental damage
  • Ice Brand - Inflict ice-elemental damage
  • Thunder Blade - Inflict lightning-elemental damage
  • Liquid Steel - Inflict water-elemental damage
  • Demi Sword - Inflict gravity-elemental damage
  • Excalibur - Inflict holy-elemental damage
  • Power Break - Inflict damage and reduce enemy's attack power
  • Magic Break - Inflict damage and reduce enemy's magic power
  • Armor Break - Inflict damage and reduce enemy's physical defense
  • Mental Break - Inflict damage and reduce enemy's magic defense
  • Delay Attack - Attack and delay enemy's next turn
  • Delay Buster - Attack and greatly delay enemy's next turn
    ATTRIBUTES: High HP, high strength, high physical defense, low magic defense

    NAME: White Mage
    OVERVIEW: See White Mage.

    Moogles Classic T-Shirt picture

    Moogles Classic T-Shirt


    Final Fantasy, all games and animation bearing the Final Fantasy name, and all characters in said games or animation are copyright their respective creators, including but not limited to Squaresoft, Square Enix, Square EA, Tokyo TV, and ADV Films.