Final Fantasy Compendium

White Mage

Appearances: FF1, FF3, FF4, FF5, FF7, FF9, FF10, FFX-2, FF11, FF12RW, FFT, FFTA, FFTA2
Aliases: White Wizard, Shaman, Priest, Bishop

White Mages are the direct opposite of Black Mages. Instead of using their magic to hurt, they use it to heal or protect. As such, most white mages are portrayed as females. They wear white robes trimmed with red trim and wield staffs. Like other mages, they tend to be weak in strength, and in their case, have very little offensive power. They offset this by supporting the party in defense. In recent games, weaker job classes have been supplemented by white mage skills, such as Archer, Paladin, and Summoner.

Similar Job Classes: Black Mage, Red Mage, Blue Mage, Paladin, Penelo (12RW)

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NAME: White Mage
OVERVIEW: Evolves into White Wizard
WEAPONS: Masamune, Small Dagger, Heal Staff, Power Staff, Wooden Staff, Iron Hammer, Silver Hammer
ATTRIBUTES: High magic, low strength, low agility
White Magic: Cure, Harm, Ruse, Fog, ALit, Invs, Lamp, Mute, AFir, Cur2, Heal, Hrm2, AIce, AMut, Fear, Pure, Cur3, Hrm3, Life, Hel2, Fog2, Inv2, Soft, ARub, Hel3

NAME: White Wizard
OVERVIEW: Evolved from White Mage
WEAPONS: Masamune, Small Dagger, Heal Staff, Power Staff, Wooden Staff, Iron Hammer, Silver Hammer, Thor's Hammer
ATTRIBUTES: High magic, low strength, low agility
White Magic: Cure, Harm, Ruse, Fog, ALit, Invs, Lamp, Mute, AFir, Cur2, Heal, Hrm2, AIce, AMut, Fear, Pure, Cur3, Hrm3, Life, Hel2, Exit, Fog2, Soft, Inv2, Cur4, Hrm4, ARub, Hel3, Fade, XFer, Lif2, Wall
NAME: Minh
OVERVIEW: Comes with White Magic, but resembles the FF5 Sorceror
WEAPONS: Cane, Ice Scythe
White Magic: Cure, Life, Peep, Heal, Barrier, Blink, Safe, Shell, Wall, Dispel, Mute, Anti, Fog, Change, Fear, Exit

NAME: White Wizard (FF3) / White Mage (FF3DS)
OVERVIEW: Evolves into Shaman
WEAPONS: Staff, Mithril Rod, Freezing Staff, Burning Staff, Shining Staff, Golem Staff, Rune Staff
  • Fight - Attack with equipped weapon
  • Magic - Cast magic spell
  • Run - Run away from battle
  • Item - Use an item from inventory
  • ATTRIBUTES: High magic defense, low magic power

    NAME: Shaman (FF3) / Devout (FF3DS)
    OVERVIEW: Evolved from White Mage
    WEAPONS: Staff, Freezing Staff, Burning Staff, Shining Staff, Golem Staff, Rune Staff, Mithril Rod, Eldest Staff
  • Fight - Attack with equipped weapon
  • Magic - Cast magic spell
  • Run - Run away from battle
  • Item - Use an item from inventory
  • ATTRIBUTES: High magic defense, low magic power, low strength

    NAME: Rosa Farrell
    OVERVIEW: Rosa is also an Archer.
    WEAPONS: Uses bow & arrow best
  • Pray - Small amount of HP restored to entire party
  • Aim - Focus arrows for better accuracy
  • White - Cast White Magic
  • ATTRIBUTES: High magic, low strength

    NAME: Porom
    OVERVIEW: Porom is a pure White Mage, but combines with Palom for a special Black Magic attack.
    WEAPONS: Staffs and Rods
  • Cry/Tears - Decrease all enemy dexterity, increase chance of escape
  • Twin - Team with Palom to perform a special magic attack
  • White - Cast White Magic
  • ATTRIBUTES: High black magic, low strength, low HP, low speed


    NAME: White Mage
    OVERVIEW: Has various White Magic spells.
    WEAPONS: Staffs, Flail, Morning Star
  • !White - Cast White Magic (default)
  • MP+10% - Increase max MP by 10%
  • ATTRIBUTES: High magic, low strength

    NAME: Aeris Gainsborough
    OVERVIEW: None of Aeris' limits involve damaging the enemy. They involve healing, or stopping the enemy.
    WEAPONS: Staffs
  • Healing Wind - Recover a majority of HP
  • Seal Evil - Cause Stop and Silence on all enemies
  • Breath of Earth - Beams of light heal abnormal status effects
  • Fury Brand - Cause Fury to party and fill all limit break bars to maximum
  • Planet Protector - Form an invincible barrier around the party for a short time
  • Pulse of Life - Heal abnormal status, recover all HP and MP, revive fallen party members
  • Great Gospel - Fully recover all HP and MP, and make party invincible for a short time
  • ATTRIBUTES: High MP, high magic power, high magic defense, low HP, low speed

    NAME: Dagger (A.K.A Garnet Til Alexandros)
    OVERVIEW: Dagger is also a Summoner. Eidolons are earned through AP on jewels with earnable summons. Dagger has these summons available: Shiva, Ifrit, Ramuh, Atomos, Odin, Leviathan, Bahamut, Ark
    WEAPONS: Rods
  • Summon - Summon a powerful monster to deliver a massive attack
  • White Magic - Cast White Magic
  • Eidolon - Summon a powerful monster to deliver a massive attack every turn for no MP cost
  • SUPPORT ABILITIES (character specific): Boost, Odin's Sword
    ATTRIBUTES: High magic power, low strength

    NAME: Eiko Carol
    OVERVIEW: Eiko is also a Summoner. Eidolons are earned through AP on jewels with earnable summons. Eiko has these summons available: Carbuncle, Fenrir, Phoenix, Madeen
    WEAPONS: Flutes
  • Summon - Summon a powerful monster to deliver a massive attack
  • White Magic - Cast White Magic
  • Double White - Cast two spells in the same turn
  • SUPPORT ABILITIES (character specific): Boost, Concentrate, Guardian Mog
    ATTRIBUTES: High magic power, low strength

    NAME: Yuna
    OVERVIEW: Yuna is also a Summoner. Aeons are earned throughout the storyline or side-quests. Yuna has these summons available: Valefor, Ifrit, Ixion, Shiva, Bahamut, Yojimbo, Anima, Magus Sisters
    WEAPONS: Staffs
  • Pray - Restore minor HP to party at no MP cost
  • Summon - Summon a monster to fight in place of party
  • Grand Summon - Summon a monster to fight in place of party with full overdrive
  • ATTRIBUTES: High magic, high magic defense, high evasion, low strength, low defense

    NAME: White Mage
    OVERVIEW: White mages cannot attack, unless afflicted with Berserk. Vigor recovers a bit more HP than Pray.
    WEAPONS: Staff
  • Pray - Restore minor HP to entire party
  • Vigor - Restore some HP to self
  • White Magic - Cast White Magic
  • SUPPORT ABILITIES: White Magic Lv.2 (decrease wait time for spell by 30%), White Magic Lv.3 (decrease wait time for spell by 50%)
    ATTRIBUTES: High MP, high magic power, high magic defense, low HP, low strength, low physical defense, low accuracy

    NAME: White Mage
    OVERVIEW: Benediction can only be used once every two hours. Has increased magic resistance.
    WEAPONS: Uses staffs and clubs best
  • Benediction - Restore a large amount of HP and remove all status ailments for party
  • Divine Seal - Enhances power of next healing spell
  • Martyr - Sacrifice 25% HP to heal party member (healing equals 2x sacrificed HP)
  • Devotion - Sacrifice 25% HP to give party member same amount of MP
  • White Magic - Cast White Magic
  • SUPPORT ABILITIES: Magic Defense Up, Clear Mind, Auto Regen, Divine Veil
    ATTRIBUTES: High magic defense, low physical defense, low attack power

    NAME: White Mage
    OVERVIEW: Only enemy humes can be white mages.
  • Cure, Revitalize, Curaga, Protectga, Shellga, Esunaga, Dispelga, Holy

  • FF: Tactics
    NAME: White Mage/Priest (PSX)
    OVERVIEW: Includes casting Regen on the self when attacked.
    WEAPONS: Staff
    White Magicks/White Magic (PSX): Cure, Cura/Cure2 (PSX), Curaga/Cure3 (PSX), Curaja/Cure4 (PSX), Raise, Arise/Raise2 (PSX), Reraise, Regen, Protect, Protectja/Protect2 (PSX), Shell, Shellja/Shell2 (PSX), Wall, Esuna, Holy
    Reaction Ability: Regenerate/Regenerator (PSX) - Cast Regen on self when attacked
    Support Abilities: Arcabe Defense/Magic Defend Up (PSX)
    Move Abilities: None
    ATTRIBUTES: High MP, high magic power

    FF: Tactics Advance
    NAME: White Mage
    OVERVIEW: Fewer spells.
    WEAPONS: Staff
    White Magic: Cure, Cura, Curaga, Esuna, Life, Full-Life, Auto-Life, Shell, Protect
    Reaction Abilities: None
    Support Abilities: Turbo MP - Increase potency of spells at double MP cost
    Combo: White Combo

    FF: Tactics Advance
    NAME: Bishop
    OVERVIEW: Combination of White Magic and elemental damage. A Bangaa-only job.
    WEAPONS: Staves
  • Cura - Heal HP
  • Dispel - Remove status effects
  • Holy - Cause Holy damage
  • Barrier - Raise DEF and RES
  • Judge - Steal JP from target
  • Water - Cause water damage
  • Aero - Cause wind damage
  • Break - Petrify target
    Reaction Abilities: Return Magic - Counter magic spell with same spell
    Support Abilities: Half MP
    Combo: Pray Combo
  • ATTRIBUTES: High MP, high magic power, low evasion, low attack power, low defense

    FF: Tactics A2
    NAME: White Mage
    OVERVIEW: Mostly identical to White Mage from FFTA, with a few skills moved to Green Mage.
    WEAPONS: Staff
    White Magick: Cure, Cura, Curaga, Esuna, Raise, Arise, Reraise, Refresh (heal debuffs that Esuna doesn't)
    Reaction Abilities: None
    Support Abilities: Turbo MP - Increase potency of spells at double MP cost

    FF: Tactics A2
    NAME: Bishop
    OVERVIEW: Almost identical to Bishop from FFTA, with one extra skill.
    WEAPONS: Staff
  • Cura - Heal HP
  • Dispel - Remove status effects
  • Holy - Cause Holy damage
  • Water - Cause water damage
  • Aero - Cause wind damage
  • Break - Petrify target
  • Barrier - Raise DEF and RES
  • Pilfer - Steal loot
    Reaction Abilities: Magick Counter - Counter magic spell with same spell
    Support Abilities: Halve MP
  • Traits of White Mage in Other Games

    FF6: All characters can learn any type of White Magic by equipping Espers and earning AP.
    FF6: Banon has the "Health" ability which heals all characters at no MP cost.
    FF7: All characters can learn any type of White Magic by equipping Materia and earning AP to increase its power.
    FF8: All characters can learn any type of White Magic by drawing it from enemies or geographical points.

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    Final Fantasy, all games and animation bearing the Final Fantasy name, and all characters in said games or animation are copyright their respective creators, including but not limited to Squaresoft, Square Enix, Square EA, Tokyo TV, and ADV Films.