Final Fantasy Compendium

Air Knife (2, Tactics), Air Lance (5), Air Lancet (6) Wind-elemental knife.
Ancient Sword (2, 3, 4, 5, 11. 12, Tactics, TA, TA2) Medium-strength sword. In 5 this casts Old on the target. In 12 it causes Petrify.
Artemis Bow (4, 5, 12, 12RW, Tactics, TA, TA2) Generally the ultimate bow. Mistranslated as Ultimus Bow in Tactics.
Ashura (3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 12, TA, TA2), Middle Knife (4a), Asura (Tactics, 10) Low-level katana. In 10 it has several Counter abilities.
Assassin Knife/Dagger (4, 5, 6, Tactics), Assassin's Dagger (12) Ultimate knife, randomly kills enemy.
Battle Axe (2, 3, 5, 11, MQ, Tactics) Low-strength axe.
Blood Spear (3, 4, 5), Drain Spear (4a), Bloody Lance (11), Blood Lance (12RW) Drains HP from the enemy.
Blood Sword (2, 3, 4, 5, 9, 12, 12RW, Tactics, TA, TA2), Drain Sword (4a), Drainer (6) Drains HP from the enemy.
Broad Sword/Broadsword (2, 5, 9, 11, 12, Tactics, TA2), Shortsword (TA) Low-level sword.
Cat Claw (1n, 2, 3, 4, 11, MQ), Cat Claws (1, TA, TA2), Cat's Claws (9) A claw in 1, 3, 4, 9, and MQ TA, and a knife in 2. Fairly powerful.
Chain Whip (4, 5, 8) Low-level whip.
Coral Sword (1, 5, 9, 11, Tactics), Coral Blade (12RW) Varies according to the game.
Cure Staff (5, TA), Heal Rod (6), Healing Rod, (9, 12), Healing Staff (11, Tactics, TA2) A staff that heals whoever it hits.
Defender (1, 3, 5, 9, 12, 12RW, Tactics, TA, TA2), Defense Sword (1n, 2, 4) A powerful sword which raises defense; sometimes requires two hands to use.
Dragon Claw (3, 6, 7, MQ), Dragon's Claws (9, 11) Powerful claw.
Dragon's Whisker (12, Tactics, TA), Dragon Whisker (TA2), Dragon's Hair (9) One of the strongest spears.
Dream Harp (3, 5), Dreamer (4) Puts enemies to sleep.
Earth Bell (3, 5, TA) Earth-elemental bell.
Enhance Sword/Enhancer (5, 6, 7), Enhancing Sword (11) Raises magic power.
Excalibur (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 12RW, MQ, Tactics, TA2), XCALBR (1n) The ultimate sword, it's usually Holy-elemental. Gilgamesh uses this in 8. In 10 it has Break Damage Limit attached.
Excalipur (5, 8, Tactics non-usable) A comically weak sword which is a good imitation of Excalibur, this is Gilgamesh's sword. It was a Treasure in Tactics.

Tyrande Whisperwind Resin Figure / Statue various sizes picture

Tyrande Whisperwind Resin Figure / Statue various sizes


Blizzard Legacy Collection 2023 (Upper Deck) Uncommon (Green) You choose #1-200 picture

Blizzard Legacy Collection 2023 (Upper Deck) Uncommon (Green) You choose #1-200


Blizzard Legacy Collection - Tyrande Whisperwind - Spectral - WoW 94 picture

Blizzard Legacy Collection - Tyrande Whisperwind - Spectral - WoW 94


2023 Upper Deck Blizzard Legacy Collection #94 Tyrande Whisperwind WarCraft Card picture

2023 Upper Deck Blizzard Legacy Collection #94 Tyrande Whisperwind WarCraft Card


Blizzard Legacy Collection 2023 (Upper Deck) Base Set.  You choose #1-200 picture

Blizzard Legacy Collection 2023 (Upper Deck) Base Set. You choose #1-200


🔥🎯2023 upper Deck Blizzard Legacy Collection Tyrande Whisperwind #94🎯🔥 picture

🔥🎯2023 upper Deck Blizzard Legacy Collection Tyrande Whisperwind #94🎯🔥


2023 Upper Deck Blizzard Legacy Collection Spectral Tyrande Whisperwind #94 0s55 picture

2023 Upper Deck Blizzard Legacy Collection Spectral Tyrande Whisperwind #94 0s55





custom min brick minifigure mf Tyrande Whisperwind picture

custom min brick minifigure mf Tyrande Whisperwind


Game Character Tyrande Whisperwind Resin 3D Print GK Figure DIY Model picture

Game Character Tyrande Whisperwind Resin 3D Print GK Figure DIY Model


Final Fantasy, all games and animation bearing the Final Fantasy name, and all characters in said games or animation are copyright their respective creators, including but not limited to Squaresoft, Square Enix, Square EA, Tokyo TV, and ADV Films.