There are some scenes throughout the series which have just begged to be immortalized. Whether it's a shrewd and original quirk in the game, or an unforgettable moment, or just an awesome line much-parodied, they deserve their own page.
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The screen that started the whole series. | |
The infamous "invisible man" hiding in Cornelia.
With the GameShark "walk through walls" code, this is actually revealed to be a woman! | |
What did you expect? A portal to another dimension? | |
Bowling, anyone? |
Someone forgot to tell her this is a sequel. | |
Another jab at the bards of the world. | |
Final battle with the Light Emperor (Dawn of Souls). |
The famous "spoony bard" line. | |
Cecil became a Paladin! | |
Palom gets annoyed at Tellah. | |
Cid and Tellah make "old fart" jokes at each other. | |
In Fabul, refusing the king's request resulting in the director saying "Cut! | |
Rydia's dramatic return. | |
Learning Golbez's relation to Cecil. |
And all this time we thought she was a purple-haired pirate man... | |
Well, RPG characters are human too! | |
Breaking down the Fourth Wall. | |
Battle on the Big Bridge with Gilgamesh! | |
Galuf's Passing | |
Dressing in a moogle suit has its advantages... and disadvantages. | |
Princess Sarisa reunited with her father. | |
Lenna's dragon turns into a phoenix. |
A thief by any other name... | |
Step AWAY from the dog... | |
Cyan gets all embarrassed by a too-forward dancer. | |
The beauteous Aria di Mezzo Caraterre. | |
Setzer's dramatic scene-stealer! | |
Locke feeling a little woozy on the boat | |
Gau's hilarious "Mr. Thou" rant | |
Uweeheehee! Kefka taunts Gestahl in a classic scene. | |
Celes contemplates suicide after the catastrophe. | |
Sabin laughs in the face of the end of the world! | |
Ultros the receptionist! | |
Gau gets a new wardrobe. | |
Kefka's unparalleled "self-help booklet" scene. | |
Locke's reaction to Terra's use of magic in battle for the first time. |
Only 1 Gil, sir! | |
He are really sick. | |
Talk about a rude awakening. O_o | |
Cloud explores his feminine psyche. | |
Barret better stay away from metaphors, methinks... | |
Damn right, foo! Mr. T sounds way better! | |
Ooh... is that evil or what? | |
A portentous moment. | |
Good old Cid | |
A tear of stone falls on a remorseful son. | |
Squaresoft flexes their new non-censorship freedom! | |
The final moment of Aeris... | |
And after the fact. | |
Nope. Just couldn't think up a good caption for this one. 8p | |
Cloud gets his marching orders. | |
Cid tries to relive his glory days. | |
Off course? | |
Cid stopping his countdown to save Shera. (animated GIF) | |
Cloud saying "Let's mosey" before going to face Sephiroth and Jenova in the Northern Crater. | |
The final battle with the One-Winged Angel. | |
The final battle with the One-Winged Angel. |
Wake up: you are a moron, man! | |
Laguna doesn't cut a very good masculine image, eh? | |
Uncaring Squall lets Irvine get all the hotties... doofus. | |
The guy in Galbadia Garden saying why he likes doing pushups. (animated GIF) | |
The much-sought dance sequence. | |
Squall finally opens up | |
The first time Squall and Rinoa actually hug... this is the image the logo was based on. | |
Odin gets sliced in two by Seifer?! | |
Zell FINALLY gets some of those damn hot dogs! Pig. |
Zidane does an oopsie. | |
Kupo for Kupo Nuts! | |
Zidane used to know Cloud, it seems. | |
Vivi and Quina get married! Awwww! | |
Zidane lives out a dream | |
Zidane and Vivi share a manly ritual at Madain Sari. | |
Watch out below! | |
They aren't all that helpless after all | |
I'm a doctor, not a miracle-worker! | |
The End |
"Macarena Temple?" | |
Tidus and Yuna kiss. |
"Defeat Dycedarg's elder brother!" | |
The job report: probably the most parodied bad translation ever made. | |
Argath launches a surprise attack... | |
Ramza gets a bit too excited about his new robot, Construct 8. | |
Gaffgarion's ambush as an executioner | |
The stabbing in the ending | |
And the Tactics version of the famous FF7 scene. |
Celtic Moon Altar Cloth Pentagram Black Batik Scarf 36"x36"
Celtic Triple Moon Pentagram Scrying/Gazing Ball with Stand
Ebros Celtic Sacred Moon Triple Goddess Maiden Under Tree of Life Statue 5.5 H
Ebros Celtic Sacred Moon Triple Goddess Maiden Under Tree of Life Statue 5.5 H
Celtic Triskele Wicca Sacred Symbols Triple Moon Pentagram Round Incense Holder
Triple Goddess Moon Mother Maiden Crone Celtic Knotwork Wall Decor Plaque
Wicca Celtic Triune Symbol Triple Moon Goddess Mother Maiden Crone Offering Bowl
Celtic Moon Amulet 1.25" Pewter Pendant Necklace Lunar Crescent Wicca - US Made
Celtic Knot Moon Pentacle Taper Candle Holder Dryad Design Wicca - Silver Finish
Celtic Moon altar cloth or scarf 36" x 36"