FF12 Story
The Age of Gods:
- A legend states that the gods withdrew into a "city of their own making", sounding as if the gods (in the Esper legends) are the Occuria. In the ensuing years, the Occuria use their Sun-Cryst, source of deifacted nethicite, to give power to particular humans over others, shaping history as a gardener shapes plants.
- [RW] The Occuria attempt to control the aegyl the same way they control the humans; but the aegyl rebel against them. As punishment, the Occuria banish them to the flying continent of Lemurés, and create a barrier of Mist to keep them there.
- [RW] Feolthanos, an aegyl, who is married to a viera, follows his people to Lemurés. However, he first places pieces of his anima into magicite and stores them in what would later be known as the Glabados Ruins. His ship, the Galbana, is designed to react to this magicite and be summoned there to take the carrier to Lemurés.
- [RW] In Lemurés, the aegyl fall to fighting amongst themselves. In desperation, Feolthanos provides them with auracite, which allows them to summon Yarhi, but steals their anima away bit by bit and stores them in giant pieces of magicite called auraliths. This causes the aegyl to lose their emotions and stops the infighting. He eventually seals himself away in the Keep of Forgotten Time, becoming an auralith himself.
- The Espers are created by the gods, but, led by Ultima, rebel against them (apparently this is the Thousand-Years War mentioned in Hashmal's Clan Primer description). The gods bind them into glyphs, forcing them to serve whoever summons them.
More than 2000 Years Ago:
- Kiltia founds the religion later called the Light of Kiltia.
- Several years later, Saint Ajora founds a break-off sect, the Glabados Church.
Approx. 1150 Years Ago:
- King Raithwall, a noble of a small country in Valendia, is contacted by the Occuria and given three shards of deifacted nethicite (the Dawn, Midlight, and Dusk Shards) and the Sword of Kings. (Apparently the Occuria first give it to the garif, who find themselves unable to use it, before giving it to Raithwall.) He uses these to unite Ivalice into the Galtean Alliance. Archadia and Rozarria, members of the Alliance, take root during this time.
- Raithwall defeats the Esper Belias and binds it to him.
Approx. 1100 Years Ago:
- Raithwall dies. He leaves the Dusk and Midlight Shards to his descendants, the House Galtea; the Dawn Shard is left in his tomb. The Sword of Kings is placed in the Stilshrine of Miriam under the tutelage of the Gran Kiltias. Belias is adjured to keep watch over the Tomb of Raithwall and the Dawn Shard.
706 Years Ago (Year 1 Old Valendian/O.V.):
- The last of Raithwall's direct descendants dies, ending the Galtean Alliance and beginning the rule of House Dalmasca, started by the second prince of Dalmasca, and House Nabradia. The Dusk Shard is given to the new Dalmascan King, and the Midlight Shard to Nabradia.
Approx. 200 Years Ago (500 O.V.):
- Archadia's senate-run republic is replaced by a military governance system. Archadia begins an expansionist invasion policy. It eventually wars several times with Rozarria.
- House Solidor, a powerful Senate family, struggles to remain in power, creating the Ministry of Law and installing Judges as its head. It remains in power until the present.
Fifty Years Ago (656 O.V.):
- Fran flees the viera Eruyt Village, averring that she can no longer simply watch as the hume society attacks each other. Her sister Jote, leader of the village, declares her no longer a viera.
Some Time Before Six Years Ago:
- Venat rebels against the Occuria and begins searching for a way to deny them their plans of controlling humanity.
Some Time Ago:
- The Republic of Landis is conquered by the Archadian Empire. Two brothers, Basch and Noah fon Ronsenburg, are left adrift. Basch flees to the Kingdom of Dalmasca, whereas Noah pledges fealty to the Archadian Empire. He quickly rises in the ranks, and soon becomes Judge Gabranth of the Ministry of Law.
- Lord Vayne Solidor, son of Emperor Gramis, rises in the ranks of the Empire. He has his own elder brothers accused of treason and put to death, at the behest of his father, leaving only his younger brother Larsa.
Six Years Ago (700 O.V.):
- Cidolfus Demen Bunansa, lead researcher for the Archadian Empire, enters Giruvegan, city of the Occuria. He finds Venat there, who becomes his confidante, showing him how to manufact nethicite and beginning a plan to rebel against the Occuria.
- Cid becomes infatuated with Venat's plans, and begins to act erratically. He appoints his son, Ffamran, as a Judge. Ffamran, upset at his father's behavior, flees on the Strahl, an experimental Archadian airship, and becomes a sky pirate, going under the name Balthier. Cid becomes close with Vayne. Emperor Gramis appioints Judge Gabranth to be Vayne's right-hand man, but also to report back to him on his doings.
Six Years Ago to the Present:
- Balthier meets up with Fran, and she joins him in his journeys.
- Cid creates the Bahamut, a giant and powerful warship. However, he requires an enormous amount of energy to power it; even manufacted nethicite can't do the trick. He begins a scheme to access the Sun-Cryst, the source of all nethicite, to destroy the Occuria's power over man and give Archadia ultimate control over humanity's destiny.
Five Years Ago (701 O.V.):
- A plague consumes Rabanastre. The parents of Vaan and Reks are killed in it.
Two Years Ago (704 O.V.):
- Princess Ashelia (Ashe) B'Nargin Dalmasca and Prince Rasler Helos Nabradia are married.
- Nabradia, afraid of Archadia's growing power, makes a treaty with Rozarria to place Rozarrian troops near the Nabradian border. Archadia pressures Nabradia to dissolve the pact, to no avail. In response to the escalation, Archadia invades the Nabradian capital Nabudis (the force is led by Judges Bergan and Zecht). The Archadian forces capture the Midlight Shard. Judge Zecht is ordered by Doctor Cid to use the shard against Nabudis as a test, and does so, not realizing the consequences. Nabudis is instantly vaporized; no one in the city survives. Soon a layer of thick Mist envelops the city, and fiends begin to multiply, turning it into the Nabreus Deadlands, and the Verdpale Palace of Nabudis becomes a necrohol. Nabradia is swallowed up by the Archadian Empire.
- Judge Zecht, ashamed and torn by his actions, flees the Ministry of Law and takes the name Pirate King Reddas. He moves into the port at Balfonheim and begins to clean it up of its more unsavory citizens. Soon he is the de facto leader of the town.
- Drunk on its power, Archadia continues the war with an unprovoked attack on Nalbina Fortress, which lies between Nabradia and Dalmasca. Losing the fortress to Archadia would give it the run of Dalmasca. Prince Rasler goes to the front lines of Nalbina, and is slain in battle.
- [RW] Among the dead of Nalbina is Velis, the lover of Mydia, a feol viera and descendant of Feolthanos. He is buried in the Paramina Rift. Overcome by sorrow, she remembers the words of her mother that their ancestor came from a floating continent, and that the continent is linked to the "Eternal". She begins searching for a way to go there, in an effort to revive Velis.
- The people of Dalmasca largely lose their will to fight. A brave force, including Captain Basch fon Ronsenburg, Vossler Azelas, and a young soldier from Dalmasca named Reks, mounts a counterattack against Archadia. Before being sent out, Basch is given a task by King Raminas in the event of the king's death: to secure the Dusk Shard and give it to the Princess, as proof of her lineage, allowing her to take the throne of Dalmasca. The Dalmascan force, however, is utterly defeated. Soon after, Archadia offers terms of Dalmascan surrender. King Raminas of Dalmasca agrees to sign the treaty at Nalbina Fortress.
- The remaining Dalmascan forces, including Basch, Vossler, and Reks, quickly leave for Nalbina to protect King Raminas from Archadian forces, who they fear will assassinate him as soon as he signs the treaty.
- Judge Gabranth, Basch's twin brother, appears disguised as Basch and murders the king and most of the Dalmascan forces, including Reks. Basch is taken into custody and publicly accused of regicide (the motive is given that the king was "selling out" Dalmasca). His execution is announced by Marquis Ondore, leader of the neutral city of Bhujerba, who is ordered by Vayne to do so. Soon afterwards, the Marquis also announces that Princess Ashe has taken her own life of a broken heart due to the deaths of her husband and father (it is unclear if Vayne is behind this announcement as well).
- Dalmasca soon offers an unconditional surrender to the Archadian Empire. Gabranth has accomplished his goal of leaving Dalmasca a broken and emasculated kingdom.
- Contrary to Ondore's proclamations, neither Ashe nor Basch have died. Basch is interred in the Nalbina Dungeons by Gabranth to ensure he does not embarrass his plot, and to keep as a last-ditch blackmail tool against Ondore. Ashe goes underground, taking the name Amalia, and joins a resistance effort against the Empire. Vossler accompanies her as her protector.
- The wyrm Yiazmat murders Montblanc's master. Vowing revenge, he begins Clan Centurio in Rabanastre as an attempt to attract the best monster hunters to eventually take on Yiazmat. (See Side Quests for further information.)
The Present (706 O.V.):
- Imperial soldiers are a common sight in Rabanastre, capital of Dalmasca. Vayne is appointed as the new Consul for Rabanastre.
- Ondore slowly begins easing the shackles of the Empire by diverting the purest magicite from the Lhusu Mines before it reaches the Emperor, sending it to the Resistance. Judge Ghis is dispatched to Bhujerba to investigate, with a cadre of Imperial soldiers. Draklor researchers are also sent to the Henne Magicite Mines, searching for a new source of magicite in case Bhujerba's should cease.
- Vaan (Reks's brother), Penelo, and Kytes are orphans living in Rabanastre under the care of Migelo, a bangaa who runs the sundries store. They are all employed in various odd jobs. We first see Vaan doing rat extermination. Migelo has acquired an exclusive contract to provide for the fete of the incoming consul, but the caravan with the goods has been waylaid in the Estersand. Migelo sends Kytes to Tomaj in the Sandsea Pub for replacement goods, then sends Vaan after Kytes when Kytes fails to come back.
- Vaan finds Kytes in the Sandsea studying a notice board where a hunt has been posted for a mark (Rogue Tomato) in the desert. Kytes suggests that the tomato is the cause of the caravan's lateness. Vaan sends him back to Migelo and accepts the hunt. Tomaj gives him a writ of transit and Vaan makes his way into the Estersand, defeats the Rogue Tomato, and heads back towards the city, but the gates are locked. Migelo arrives with a liquid bribe for the guards and gets Vaan, Kytes, and Penelo (who came to look for Vaan) back inside the city.
- Vayne gives a speech to the citizens of Rabanastre, where he humbly declares his desire for peace and the defense of Dalmasca; the people, who previously spouted jibes and insults, seem placated.
- Vaan decides to sneak into the Royal Palace during the fete, in an effort to find some treasure to give back to the people of Dalmasca. Penelo suggests he go to Old Dalan in Lowtown. Vaan takes her advice. Dalan describes a secret way into the palace, gives him a Crescent Stone, and tells him that he needs a Sunstone from the Giza Plains to recharge it.
- Penelo meets Vaan by the south gate, and tags along to the Giza Plains. Vaan collects a Shadestone from the nomads in Giza, travels around the Plains recharging it until it turns into a Sunstone, and returns to the city. Penelo leaves to watch Migelo's shop, and Vaan heads back to Dalan, who tells him that the secret way to the palace lies through Warehouse No. 5 in Lowtown and thence to the Garamsythe Waterway.
- While Vaan is attempting his coup, both the Resistance (led by Amalia and Vossler) and Balthier and Fran are also entering the palace through the waterway; the Resistance is attempting to assassinate Vayne, whereas Balthier is looking for treasure. Vayne has been alerted to the Resistance's plot, however (it is unclear who the mole was), and prepares the Ifrit to attack them.
- Vaan finds his way into the palace treasury with the help of Dalan's Crescent Stone, and takes a bright stone, actually the Dusk Shard. He is confronted by Balthier, who demands the stone, but before the standoff can continue, Imperial soldiers draw near. The Ifrit finds the Resistance and begins a large-scale attack. Vaan flees, and Balthier, who is still after the stone, follows. They escape on a motorcycle-like air vehicle, but the vehicle soon stops working (the Dusk Shard absorbs the Mist inside the skystone magicite in the vehicle). After a harrowing ride, they end up back in the waterway.
- They soon meet up with Amalia, fighting Imperial soldiers in the waterway. Vaan saves Amalia from the soldiers, and they escape together, but are arrested by Vayne. Penelo runs up and tries to convince them to let Vaan go, but is unsuccessful. Balthier hands Penelo his handkerchief for safekeeping until they get out. Ba'Gamnan, Gabranth's dirty-work bangaa headhunter, looks on in disgust (he desires the bounty on Balthier's head himself). Vaan, Balthier, and Amalia are thrown into the Nalbina Dungeons.
- Vaan happens upon three seeqs beating up a bangaa inside the dungeon. The seeqs turn on him instead, and Balthier helps him knock them out. They meet up with Fran and espy Judge Gabranth conversing with Ba'Gamnan, both upset that Balthier has eluded them. Gabranth heads to speak with Basch, and opens the magicks binding the way. The party follows quickly afterwards.
- Gabranth interrogates Basch about Amalia, but Basch says nothing. The Judge leaves. Balthier and Fran enter the room; Fran detects Mist coming from below Basch's swinging cage. Balthier ignores Vaan's protests and takes everyone down with the cage, freeing Basch. Vaan is suspicious of him, but agrees to let Basch accompany them through the Barheim Passage. Basch manages to explain his version of events, and Vaan slowly begins to change his mind about him.
- They emerge in the Dalmasca Estersand, and head for Rabanastre. The party separates. Vaan heads to Migelo's to find Penelo, but instead finds Kytes, who has an errand to do from Old Dalan. Vaan offers to do it instead. Dalan gives him a Sword of the Order to give to Vossler. Vaan finds Vossler's hideout, where the Resistance is fiercely debating the meaning of the fact that Basch still lives. Basch comes out, in new clothes, but Vossler refuses to completely trust him. Both Basch and Vossler agree that they need to contact Marquis Ondore in Bhujerba to try to secure Amalia's release.
- Basch goes with Vaan to the Sandsea to find Balthier and Migelo, but instead find that Ba'Gamnan has kidnapped Penelo in an attempt to lure Balthier out. He has left a note telling Balthier to come to the Lhusu Mines in Bhujerba. Balthier is reluctant to go, but Vaan offers him the Dusk Shard if he takes him. Balthier agrees. Basch also goes along, intending to meet Ondore in any case.
- Vossler succeeds in reaching Ondore. Ondore has him smuggled onboard the Dreadnought Leviathan, where Amalia is being held captive. He bides his time, waiting for a chance to get her out.
- The Strahl arrives in Bhujerba to see the Imperial forces on a search for Lord Larsa. Larsa meets them just outside the aerodrome, introduces himself as Lamont, and asks to go along with them to the Lhusu Mines.
- In the mines, Larsa/Lamont finds a piece of manufacted nethicite, the proof he was searching for that the Empire has been doing experiments on it in Lhusu. They suddenly happen upon Ba'Gamnan, who says that he's already let Penelo go, but attacks them. The party flees and Ba'Gamnan loses them in the mines.
- Penelo is picked up by Judge Ghis, who later meets Larsa. Larsa apologizes, then asks Ondore to put Penelo up in his mansion. Both Vaan and Basch wish to meet Ondore, so they need a way to find the people associated with him. Vaan decides to make a stink, proclaiming around Bhujerba "I'm Captain Basch!". Finally, Havharo, the leader of the Bhujerban cadre of the Resistance, has Vaan apprehended. Basch then walks in, and one of Havharo's agents, a servant of Ondore's, agrees to take them to him.
- Vaan asks Ondore to see Penelo, but she and Larsa have already left for the Dreadnought Leviathan. Basch also asks Ondore to help rescue Amalia. Their plan involves Basch drawing his sword against Ondore, and being arrested and taken to Judge Ghis aboard the Leviathan, where Amalia is being held. Ondore knows that Vossler will help them escape.
- Ghis tells Amalia (revealed to be Princess Ashe) that he will release her if she swears fealty to the Empire, which she refuses to do. Unfortunately, she has no way of proving her lineage and reclaiming her throne. Basch tells Ashe that he was bidden to give her the Dusk Shard, whose location only he knows - however, it begins shining in Vaan's hand. Ghis is delighted, and demands the shard. Vaan hands it over after extracting a promise not to execute anyone. Ghis agrees, and sends the prisoners away, quartering Ashe separately.
- The soldiers escorting Balthier, Basch and Vaan scuffle with them; Vossler, walking behind, enters into the fray and they succeed in freeing themselves. They find their way to Ashe and free her. She agrees to trust Basch for the moment, but does not attempt to hide her hatred for him.
- On the way to the Leviathan's harbor, they meet up with Larsa and Penelo. Larsa tells them that Ghis is aware of their escape. He gives Penelo the manufacted nethicite he found in the mines. Vossler leaves to secure an airship, and Penelo goes with the rest of the party.
- They meet Judge Ghis before they can find an airship. Ghis attacks them with magic, but Penelo's nethicite absorbs it. They defeat Ghis, and Vossler enters, directing them to an Atomos he found. They make it back to the aerodrome in Bhujerba. Penelo returns Balthier's handkerchief to him. Vossler tells Ashe that he must search for another way to restore Dalmasca, and for her to take Basch as her protector in the meantime.
- Ashe heads to Ondore and asks for his help, but Ondore reasons with her that she cannot do anything until she obtains proof of her lineage. That night, Ashe steals aboard the Strahl, intent on obtaining the Dawn Shard from the Tomb of Raithwall. Vaan happens upon her, as does the rest of the party. Ashe asks Balthier to "kidnap" her, and tells him that Raithwall's Tomb contains much treasure. Vaan and Penelo have no wish to stick around either, so they all head to the closest they can get to Raithwall's Tomb: the Dalmasca Westersand.
- Emperor Gramis asks Gabranth to protect Larsa, especially from Vayne, and ensure that he does not become as ruthless as Gabranth himself.
- Vossler discovers Ashe's goals, and contacts Judge Ghis. He offers him a trade: the Dawn Shard for giving Ashe back her kingdom. Ghis agrees.
- The party heads west to the Ogir-Yensa Sandsea, where Vossler meets up with them. They deal with the Urutan-Yensa as they head past the Ogir-Yensa and Nam-Yensa Sandseas, to the Valley of the Dead and Raithwall's Tomb.
- The party make their way through the tomb, defeat Belias and obtain its aid. They continue and obtain the Dawn Shard.
- When they exit the tomb, Judge Ghis is waiting for them with the Shiva and the rest of the 8th Fleet. Vossler tells her to give him the Dawn Shard; Ghis assists her judgment by threatening Balthier with death. Ashe hands the shard over.
- Although they were ordered not to test the shard immediately, Ghis has it tested anyway, intending to use it to gain power over Vayne. The shard begins reacting, throwing Fran into a berserk rage. They break out of their bonds and attack the Imperial guards, but are stopped by Vossler. They defeat him.
- The Dawn Shard drains Mist from the ship's engines. Vossler tells Basch to take up his charge of protecting Ashe. The party manages to escape on a stolen airship in the nick of time - the Shiva explodes, taking Ghis and Vossler, and the entire 8th Imperial Fleet, including the Dreadnought Leviathan, with it. The party spots the Dawn Shard streaking away in a ball of flame, and retrieves it.
- Ondore takes advantage of this loss to the Empire to begin recruiting Resistance members in earnest. The pirate city of Balfonheim agrees to supply the Resistance, but not to fight with them. Ashe returns to Rabanastre, but declines to announce her presence, as such an announcement would be detrimental to Ondore's efforts (since it was he who announced her death, and exposing this as a lie would lower his esteem in the eyes of potential recruits). Rozarria begins assembling for war under the pretext of training exercises. The Archadian Senate expresses its displeasure at Vayne for his reckless display of the Fleet. Vayne is summoned back to Archades.
- Ashe resolves to use the Dawn Shard to attack Archadia. However, she does not know how to use it. They decide to head for the garif village of Jahara to ask the elder there. Balthier demands payment before accompanying them, and asks for Ashe's wedding ring1. He tells her he will return it once he finds something more valuable.
- The garif war-chief is unable to help Ashe, but he tells her that the Dawn Shard has lost its Mist and is useless at the moment. They then are found by Larsa, who asks Ashe to accompany him to Mt Bur-Omisace, in an effort to end the coming war. He hopes that the Gran Kiltias can confirm Ashe as Dalmascan royal blood, and a peace pact could be forged then and there to stop Ondore and the war. (Al-Cid Margrace of Rozarria is also invited to Bur-Omisace by Larsa.) He convinces her to do this; despite the fact that she would be helping the Empire, Larsa correctly informs her that Dalmasca would be the battlefield of any war. Vaan decides to go with them, in search for answers about his direction in life.
- Judges Drace and Gabranth, though in conflicting minds about the propriety of Vayne's ascendancy to the throne, agree that they must protect Lord Larsa, both from Vayne and the Senate, who would react badly when they discover that Larsa is not the puppet they thought he was.
- At some point in the recent past, Mjrn, Fran's sister, leaves Eruyt Village, concerned about the increased Imperial activity in the Golmore Forest, near the Henne Magicite Mines. She follows them to the mines, where she is captured by Draklor researchers. She is subjected to manufacted nethicite, which opens her to possession by Venat. She goes berserk, killing the researchers and wandering the mines.
- The party passes through Golmore Jungle, but the forest refuses to let Fran pass. Fran opens the way to Eruyt Village and instructs Vaan to find Mjrn. Vaan instead finds her older sister and leader of the village, Jote. While they speak, Fran enters the village and demands to know where Mjrn is; she has sensed that Mjrn is not in the forest. Larsa interprets Jote's subsequent words to say that Mrjn is in the Henne Mines, where the party heads. They meet Mjrn, who either summons or happens upon a great Tiamat; the party defeats it, and Venat flees Mjrn's body.
- The group returns to Eruyt Village, where Jote gives them Lente's Tear, a relic that allows the party to pass the jungle. Mjrn wishes to come with them, but Fran refuses, telling her to stay in the wood. The party passes through Golmore Jungle and Paramina Rift, and enters Mt Bur-Omisace.
- In the meantime, Vayne executes a coup, assassinating his father Emperor Gramis. He blames the act on Gregoroth, chairman of the Senate. The Senate is stripped of its authority by the Ministry of Law, and Vayne is endowed with autocratic powers and installed as the new Emperor. Judge Drace accuses Vayne of treason and draws sword against him, not realizing that the Judges support him. Judge Bergan disarms her, made inhumanly strong by manufacted nethicite. Vayne orders her execution (though Zargabaath tries to convince him otherwise) and Gabranth obeys his order reluctantly, after being made aware that Vayne knows of his regular reports to Gramis on Vayne's doings. Vayne orders Zargabaath to take the Alexander to Mt Bur-Omisace and bring Larsa back, apparently by force. Zargabaath takes Bergan and Gabranth with him.
- The deposed Senate makes a token resistance with the forces available to them, but it is quickly quelled.
- The party meets with Gran Kiltias Anastasis and Al-Cid, who brings them news of the Emperor's death. The previous plan would have involved Larsa having the ear of Emperor Gramis; but with Vayne at the lead, he would simply declare Ashe an impostor. Ashe decides to try and gain a greater power than Vayne and fight rather than sue for peace. Anastasis informs her of the Sword of Kings, a relic of King Raithwall that can destroy nethicite. With it, she can cancel Vayne's use of the Dusk Shard, and have a fighting chance with Ondore and Rozarria against Archadia. He sends them to the Stilshrine of Miriam to retrieve the sword.
- Battling past another Esper, Mateus, Ashe obtains the Sword of Kings. Balthier suggests she use it to destroy the Dawn Shard as a test. The ghost of Rasler appears to her, trying to dissuade her from doing it (the Occuria, who are projecting the image, want the nethicite to remain as their tools). Ashe swings the sword, but deliberately misses. Fran detects a cessation of Mist from it, and understands that the sword is real.
- Upon heading back to Mt Bur-Omisace, they find it under attack by Imperial forces. Larsa has been taken away by Gabranth, and Bergan has slain Anastasis. The party attacks Bergan and kills him, finding that his entire body has been lined with manufaced nethicite. Al-Cid, who survives, asks Ashe to come back to Rozarria and convince them to stand down their troops, but Ashe refuses, telling him of her plan to use the Sword of Kings against the Dusk Shard. Balthier suggests that the shard is in the Draklor Laboratory, in Archades.
- The party heads to the Mosphoran Highwaste and then to Salikawood, where they gather a bunch of moogle artisans to fix the road forward to the Phon Coast. They pass through the Coast, the Tchita Uplands, and the Sochen Cave Palace, finally reaching Old Archades. Balthier meets an old acquaintance of his named Jules, who helps them pass through to Archades proper by starting a commotion, in exchange for the juicy tidbit of Balthier's return. Balthier goes to the Central section and investigates a way of getting to Draklor; he gives Jules some chops to give to Vaan to allow him to reach him. Jules pockets the chops and essentially makes Vaan run around town collecting his own chops to pay the ferry, delaying him. In the meantime, a cadre of Judges reinforces the service entrance, ensuring that Vaan and co. won't be able to sneak in quietly. While Vaan makes a disturbance, Jules will be collecting his own info about Draklor to sell to the highest bidder.
- Jules shows them to a cabbie who takes them to Draklor. In the meantime, however, Zecht/Reddas has made his own way into Draklor, intending on confronting Cid. Vaan finds most of the guards already incapacitated. When they reach the 70th floor, Reddas attacks them, but quickly realizes his mistake. They confront Cid together at the top floor. After the fight, Reddas leaps at Cid, but is deflected by Venat, who finally shows himself. Cid escapes on an airborne vessel, but taunts Ashe, telling her to go to Giruvegan, where she might find a new stone, and that he intends to go there as well.
- Reddas takes them back to Balfonheim. Balthier suggests they follow Cid to Giruvegan; Cid has the stone, and if they destroy it with the Sword of Kings, Vayne will be left without his trump card, and the allied Resistance and Rozarrian forces can crush Archadia. Reddas declines to accompany them, instead investigating documents he found in Draklor which point to the Ridorana Cataract and the Pharos Lighthouse. The party heads to the Feywood, where a sea of Mist awaits. A vision of Rasler appears to Ashe and opens the way forward, towards the city of Giruvegan. The gate which bars the door only answers to the one who commands Belias, the Gigas. Though Balthier wants to wait for Cid at the entrance, Rasler's ghost appears and leads Ashe deeper into the city.
- After reaching the Great Crystal and defeating the Esper Shemhazai, Ashe finds herself alone in a strange place. The Occuria speak to her, give her the Treaty-Blade, and entrust her with the task of destroying the Archadian Empire and Venat. They give her hints leading to the Pharos Lighthouse at Ridorana, where she is to find the Sun-Cryst and cut new nethicite from it. Basch is against her listening to them. Balthier realizes that Cid never meant to come there; he wanted Ashe to meet with the Occuria, though he does not yet divine Cid's true purpose of powering the Bahamut.
- Larsa begs Vayne to treat with Ashe, but Vayne claims that Ashe seeks war, not peace. Larsa and Vayne dispatch Gabranth to spy on Ashe and see which she desires.
- Reddas's pirates run into becalmed waters in the Ridorana Cataract, due to a huge sea of Mist. After a rescue operation, Reddas gives Balthier a skystone which works in jagd (liberated from Draklor), allowing him to fly directly to Ridorana. Reddas accompanies them on their way.
- Balthier tells Vaan to take the Strahl should something happen to him. They find an inscription by King Raithwall telling them of the three bosses that await them, and not to trust illusion. They fight another Esper, Hashmal, on the way up. They find themselves in the Sun-Cryst room. Rasler again appears to Ashe, indicating that she should use the Sun-Cryst to destroy the Empire. Gabranth appears then, cajoling her to do it. He attempts to madden her by telling her that he was the one who killed her father. (Apparently he secretly desires to see the Empire fall, still nursing a grudge against them for the destruction of Landis.) He fights Reddas, who reveals his true identity as Zecht. Ashe finally realizes that Rasler is just a construct of the Occuria, and resolves to destroy the Sun-Cryst. Gabranth battles them, until Cid shows up.
- Cid dismisses Gabranth, who attacks him, only to be thrown back by Venat. Cid uses the Sun-Cryst to awaken the Bahamut. The party battles Cid, who summons the Esper Famfrit. They defeat him, and soon his body fades away. Ashe and Vaan both try attacking the Sun-Cryst with the Treaty-Blade and Sword of Kings, but cannot reach it due to the incredible power flowing out of it. Reddas takes the sword from Ashe and tells them to run. He leaps at the Cryst himself, striking it and causing it to explode. The rest of the party escape, but Reddas is consumed in the blaze.
- The party heads back to Balfonheim, to find Al-Cid waiting for them. He informs them that he was unsuccessful in securing Rozarria's peaceful intent; military generals went right to the Resistance. A column of fighters ended up in old Nabradia, fighting Imperial forces. This required a declaration of war on the part of Archadia and the Resistance both - and the battleground is Dalmasca. Rozarria currently waits for the Empire to tire fighting the Resistance, but it is only a matter of time before they join in.
- Vayne commands the Bahamut and heads for Rabanastre. The Strahl heads for the Bahamut. Vaan hides his voice as Larsa using Balthier's voice-hiding gadget, and Ondore is convinced to let them continue for the Bahamut through the air battle. (Larsa tries to convince Vayne to ease off on the Resistance battleships, but Larsa demands complete annihilation.) The party disembarks and goes off to find Vayne. On the way, they are again attacked by Gabranth. He is defeated, and Basch tries to convince him to end his hatred.
- They find Vayne and Larsa, who finally raises his sword against his brother. They defeat Vayne, but he uses manufacted nethicite left him by Cid to become Vayne Novus, a grey-skinned monstrosity. Vayne tells Gabranth to defend Larsa afterwards; Gabranth responds by raising his sword against Vayne. The party battles Vayne Novus; after the battle, Gabranth succeeds in piercing Vayne. Vayne unleashes a blow against Gabranth, sending him across the room. He summons a final attack against him, but it is absorbed by Larsa's nethicite. Vayne escapes to the outside, aided by Venat against Vaan.
- Vayne, though he believes himself to be dying, is directly possessed by Venat, summoning pieces of the Bahamut to himself until he resembles a giant mechanical dragon. He begins destroying ships left and right. However, the party attacks this new boss, The Undying, and prevails.
- The party (with Larsa, and Basch carrying Gabranth) escapes to the Strahl, but the Bahamut's glossair rings stop working. Balthier and Fran head back inside to fix them, without telling the rest of the party. Gabranth adjures Basch to continue his oath in protecting Larsa, then passes away.
- The Strahl begins moving. Basch, using Balthier's voice-mimicking device, pretends to be Judge Gabranth and broadcasts a cease-fire, with Larsa confirming the order. Ashe then gets on the mike and repeats the cease-fire to Ondore. They declare the war over.
- Judge Zargabaath, onboard the Alexander, broadcasts a message: The Bahamut is on a crash course for Rabanastre. He intends to ram it with the Alexander, and orders his ships to fire on Alexander's remains afterwards. Balthier then contacts Ashe, asking her to get them to lay off the fire until he fixes the rings. We see him carrying Fran (unconscious from falling debris). Then the Bahamut falls to the earth, well past Rabanastre.
One Year Later (707 O.V.):
- Lord Larsa has taken over as Emperor. Basch is now a Judge and his personal protector. Ashe's coronation as Queen of Dalmasca is set to take place in one month.
- Penelo and Vaan return to Rabanastre to live (the Bahamut remains as a presence on the town's outskirts). They take care of the Strahl in Balthier's absence. Vaan also has somehow gotten the cash to buy his own airship.
- Penelo returns to the Strahl's hangar to find it "stolen": a letter and ring remain. The letter reads: "Something more valuable: the Cache of Glabados. I await in Bervenia." The ring is Ashe's wedding ring, which is returned to her.
Side Quests:
- You can take on 45 different monster hunts (marks), either from notice boards or Montblanc in Clan Centurio. At one point, there are reports of a bangaa attacking mark hunters. Monid, a bangaa member of Centurio, and Montblanc post a dummy hunt in an effort to get Vaan and Balthier to take it. They do so, and go to the Ogir-Yensa Sandsea, where they meet up with the one and only Ba'Gamnan, whom they finally defeat.
- The final hunt is Yiazmat. To unlock it, first you must defeat the Hell Wyrm in the Sochen Cave Palace. Hell Wyrm has 10 million HP and many life bars. Yiazmat is in the coliseum in the Ridorana Cataract, and has 50 million HP. Beating him (which requires several hours, though you can leave and return to continue) nets you one of the three ingredients of the Wyrmhero Blade, and reunites Montblanc with his five brothers.
Note that Yiazmat was known as "Yazmat" in the Japanese version. This is an acronym for "YAZumi MATsuno", the nickname of Yasumi Matsuno, director of FF12. He had to leave the development team, reportedly due to health issues, in the middle of the game. Montblanc's "master", who was killed, is a reference to Matsuno himself. The English title of the hunt is "Farewell to a Legend".
- Two of the hunts can be found in the Pharos Subterra, the three lowest levels of the Pharos Lighthouse which are available after beating it the first time.
- Another one is in the deepest part of the Lhusu Mines. To fully explore it, two keys need to be found; one in the Antlion hunt, and one lying around in the Phon Coast Hunter Camp afterwards. The mark in this case is none other than Gilgamesh. The party meets him first on a bridge (hence the title of the hunt, "Battle on the Big Bridge"); after fighting him and his sidekick Enkidu, he runs off. The second battle is much harder. After beating him, he leaves behind a replica of the Wyrmhero Blade, which he quickly sneaks back in and grabs while the party leader's back is turned.
- Other than the five storyline Espers, there are no less than eight others to be obtained.
- Speaking to a nu mou in Mt Bur-Omisace after it is attacked yields a key that works on a waystone in the Stilshrine of Miriam. Following the waystone leads you to the Esper Zeromus.
- In the Mosphoran Highwaste, the shrines dotting the rest area contain "floatweed". Floating up the correct weeds opens a path to the Esper Exodus.
- The Zertinan Caverns open up after a point in the story, and a previously unreachable area now contains the Esper Adrammelech.
- The Garamsythe Waterway sluices (which work after completing the White Mousse hunt) can be used to eventually open the way to the Esper Cúchulainn.
- The Barheim Passage can be opened up with a key obtainable after helping to heal a bangaa traveler in the Dalmasca Estersand village. The Passage can be further explored to find the Esper Zalera.
- Three nu mou guard a key to the Necrohol of Nabudis. The leader is in the Nabreus Deadlands; one is in the Archades Magic Shop, one is in Dalan's house in Lowtown of Rabanastre. After some convoluted medallion collection, they open the way to three doors in the Necrohol. Past the third door lies the Esper Chaos.
- Once you've collected ten Espers, a geomancer in Jahara will open a gate in the Henne Mines. At the end of the newly opened section lies the Esper Zodiark.
- After beating Shemhazai in the Great Crystal of Giruvegan, a new way will open up, with many gates named after Zodiac symbols. At the end lies the Esper Ultima, as well as the path to an extremely difficult boss, Omega Mark XII. Beating Omega yields another of the three requirements for the Wyrmhero Blade.
- You can go fishing by getting a rod (the Muramata) in Balfonheim and giving it to a man in the Dalmasca Estersand village. After fishing enough times, and beating Gilgamesh, you must go on a long treasure hunt involving many different clues. It leads you to a point in the Barheim Passage, where Gilgamesh again shows up. He gives you the Matamune rod, claiming he was looking for another legendary blade, but just found a fishing rod. With the new rod, you can fish till the end, gaining the third element of the Wyrmhero Blade.
- The Phon Coast Hunter Camp allows you to start a quest whereby rare monsters will show up. There are no less than 80 of them (though only 30 yield the trophies you can give to the Camp).
- The Giza Plains colony takes care of cockatrices; however, at a point in the story, they all run away. You must collect them from practically every city in the world before you're done with the sidequest. You can speak with them by finding the "Feather of the Flock" item in the rainy Giza Plains.
- You can race Rikken and his friends in Balfonheim in a similar race to Vivi's in FF9, though the prizes aren't great.
- You can find bottles of Bhujerban Madhu (liquor) around Bhujerba and sell them to people in the city.
- Going on the commerical airships, you can start a quest where you must meet the cabin chief of each airship (they're all sisters); giving them all letters keeps an amorous male family from bugging them with their advances, and you'll get a prize.
- You can find a viera in Rabanastre and match her up with her "soulmate" after running around after both of them.
- Ktjn, another viera in Rabanastre, will ask you questions throughout the game; your decisions will affect what she finally decides to do with her life, and you'll get a prize.
- There are several other minor quests to do, but none of them really deserve a mention here.
Final Fantasy XII: Revenant Wings
After The Final Battle:
- The huge explosion caused by the Sun-cryst and Bahamut weakens the barrier of Mist around Lemurés, opening it up to the outside world. Sky pirates quickly descend on it, eager to reap its bounty.
- Mydia, a feol viera and descendant of Feolthanos, discovers the Cache of Glabados before Balthier gets there. Reading Feolthanos's words to his descendants, and hearing the rumors that Lemurés is linked to "the Eternal", she uses the Cache to summon the Galbana and travel to Lemurés, in the hopes of reviving her dead lover Velis. Once there, she is taken over by Feolthanos's will and transformed into the Judge of Wings. She begins distributing auracite to the sky pirates who arrive, carrying out Feolthanos's intent of amassing an army to return to Ivalice and wage war on it. In the meantime, chaos ensues.
Prologue: In Search of the Eternal
- Vaan and Penelo follow Balthier, Fran, and the Strahl to the Glabados Ruins. Balthier has already found the Chronicles, a scroll indicating the true nature of Lemurés and auracite. After fighting off some monsters (including Ifrit), they find two pieces of magicite: the Cache of Glabados, which Balthier says is linked to something called "The Eternal". Balthier first tries to take both of them, saying they're too dangerous for Vaan, but Vaan challenges him; Balthier acquiesces and throws one to him. The ruins begin to crumble; the party escapes on the Strahl, but Vaan's airship is destroyed.
- Balthier travels to Lemurés and begins attempting to destroy the auraliths. He confronts Mydia over the auracite at some point, but the place, time, and outcome is unclear.
Chapter 1: The Derelict
- Vaan returns to Rabanastre. Summoned by the Cache, the Galbana is called to him, a derelict ship. Vaan, Kytes, and Filo sneak out of the city at night to check it out, but are ambushed by Yarhi. However, Ba'Gamnan and his crew have gotten there first. Bwagi, Rinok, and Gijuk are getting sick of their leader, though. In any case, they chase after Vaan and fight. Vaan wins, but Ba'Gamnan attacks him from the back, only to be knocked out by Penelo and Tomaj, who've followed Vaan in. Just then, the ship takes off, with everyone in it, headed for Lemurés.
Chapter 2: Distant Skies
- Ba'Gamnan is tied up by Tomaj and kept prisoner onboard the ship, which Vaan discovers he can control using the Cache. They land on Zephyr and head into the Bosco Pampa, where they find Llyud beset by Yarhi. Penelo heals him, and they help stave off more Yarhi who are attacking Llyud's aegyl friends. Llyud tells them of the newly arrived sky pirates, and leads them to the Fane of Gucuma Qul, where they're holed up.
- They make their way inside the fane, to be confronted by sky pirates and the Esper Titan. During the fight, they are rescued by an unlikely savior: Ba'Gamnan, who has been given an electrified muzzle by Tomaj and is forced to follow Vaan's orders. They defeat the sky pirates inside the fane, and interrogate them. They find out that the Judge of Wings is after the auraliths. Llyud tells them that the auraliths are what keeps the barrier between Lemurés and Ivalice going, and that the effects of destroying them could be catastrophic. He knows where one of them is, and they head off to Tormelados.
Chapter 3: What Goes Up...
- At this point, Tomaj begins collecting intelligence on sky pirate activity. The party lands at Kisne Rise, where they rescue several aegyl from sky pirates, and take them aboard the ship. They continue on to the Fane of Tehp Qul. Vaan sneaks in the front entrance past the guards and opens the back entrance for the rest of the party. They find the Judge of Wings in the chamber of the auralith, who speaks to their minds and controls them with a bright light, offering them their dreams if they help her destroy the auraliths. She shows them a vision of Balthier's meeting with her as well. However, the party resists her and fights her and her summoned Shiva helper, driving her off - but not before she destroys the auralith.
- Ba'Gamnan runs off, but finds his old crew, Bwagi, Rinok, and Gijuk, waiting for him. They've received auracite from the Judge of Wings and summon Yarhi to attack him. Vaan, Ba'Gamnan and the others beat them off, in the process hearing that the Judge of Wings is in the Muruc Cahuac Skysea. The team heads there, after Tomaj opens the Sky Saloon aboard the Galbana.
Chapter 4: A Grand Hunt
- While Vaan goes to the Skysea, Feolthanos induces Mydia to head to the Underfane of Yaxin Qul, where a large magicite rests. She attempts to use it to revive her dead lover, Velis, but only summons a Yarhi which looks like him, which she tries to knock back into the stone. This achieves Feolthanos's goal of removing the last vestige of emotion and will from Mydia.
- The ship lands at Port Marilith, where they meet with Rikken, Elza, and Raz, who are holding a tournament to see who gets the most auracite. Filo gets them to waive the participation fee and the party joins, but not before Ba'Gamnan slips away. Rikken indicates that he knows the Judge of Wings, but refuses to say any more.
- Vaan and friends first go to Isshu, where they meet Rikken and his crew beset by sky pirates. They help them out (collecting treasure as they go), but Rikken still refuses to tell Vaan anything about the Judge.
- They head to Cebe, where they again team up with Rikken to defeat more sky pirates. Rikken runs off, but Tomaj stops by and tells them he's found an underground shrine on the island, the Yapih Caverns. Vaan explores them and finds Rikken there first. They're confronted by Bwagi, Rinok, and Gijuk, but Ba'Gamnan (who's managed to shake off Tomaj's muzzle) attacks them first. Once they're down, he goes after Vaan. Filo walks over to Ba'Gamnan, feeling sorry for him, but he jumps up, grabs her, and runs further into the caverns, to the Underfane of Yaxin Qul.
- Vaan rushes in, where he teams up with Rikken to fight Ba'Gamnan (he agrees to do so on the condition that Penelo smiles). Bwaji, Rinok, and Gijuk also join in the fray. The three bangaa are knocked out, and Rikken gets his reward when Penelo dances. He ties Ba'Gamnan up and takes him away. After he leaves, the party is suddenly overwhelmed by a wave of emotion - though Llyud is not affected. They continue further in.
- They find the Judge of Wings inside, but no auralith. They're attacked by Belias. After defeating him, the Judge summons Bahamut, but the party is saved by a bright light - the incomplete Yarhi form of Velis. Bahamut wreaks havoc on the island, causing the entire thing to fall towards the earth. The party makes it back to the Galbana, but the ship is caught in the explosion, and everything goes white.
Chapter 5: Stranded
- They come to in Tomaj's Camp on the island of Tswarra; the Galbana is broken. Vaan realizes that Llyud feels nothing about the fall of the Skysea. While Tomaj begins repairs, the rest of the party needs to start foraging for food. They start in the Guguerro Greendeep, but they find Velis there, wounded and being attacked by Yarhi. Vaan and Penelo save him and take him back to the camp, but he refuses to say anything. To try to get him to open up, Penelo dances for him, and he finally says "Thank you". Vaan begins to feel jealous, since Penelo usually only dances for those she cares about.
- Vaan and Kytes hunt further in Gugoza Falls. When they return, they find Penelo and Velis sitting and talking together. Penelo says that Velis is looking for someone named Mydia. Before Vaan can ask him to explain, the camp is attacked by Yarhi. Velis is still wounded and can't fight, but the rest of the party stave off the attackers. Afterwards, Velis takes Penelo aside and thanks her, then disappears in a white light.
- Mydia arrives at the camp and confronts Vaan and the others. Velis suddenly appears, but Mydia turns him into a Yarhi and forces him to attack Vaan and Penelo, saying that, like the aegyl, Velis is incomplete. Penelo refuses to fight Velis, but the others defeat him. Penelo begs Vaan not to kill Velis, but Llyud finishes him off instead. He realizes from Mydia's words that the aegyl are indeed incomplete - they lack their anima, their emotions.
- Llyud asks Penelo to dance for him; since her dance stirred emotions in Velis, he thinks perhaps it would do the same for him. It doesn't quite seem to work, though. Tomaj interrupts by telling them that he's fixed the Galbana, and that he sees the Strahl in the sky as well.
Chapter 6: Stealing Eternity
- The party lands on Arda and enters Heaven's Vigil, where they meet Fran. She points them ahead, to the Ymir Qul Range, indicating that Balthier has gone there. However, they again meet Bwagi, Rinok, and Gijuk, who are working for Ba'Gamnan again. After beating them up, they find out that they meant to capture Fran in an effort to lure out Balthier - though they're not sure whether that was just a way for Balthier to get rid of his three cronies. They indicate that there are new members of the gang, so Vaan and friends rush back to Heaven's Vigil.
- Fran is being attacked by sky pirates, and is saved by Vaan's party. She joins the party and they head onward, back to the Ymir Qul Range, where Fran shows them the entrance to the Ymir Qul Underground. Inside, they are surprised to find an auralith, as well as Balthier and the Judge of Wings facing off against each other. They fend off the Judge, only to have Balthier tell them he intends to destroy the stone. To further complicate things, Ba'Gamnan rushes in at the same time. Vaan defeats both Ba'Gamnan and Balthier, but Balthier still manages to get away from him and destroy the auralith - in the process releasing the anima of Llyud and many of the aegyl. Everyone blacks out.
Chapter 7, Part 1: Illusions Within
- Vaan comes to in Lesrekta, the world of the Yarhi, and makes his way to the Neverwood. Penelo, Llyud, Kytes, and Filo can't see Vaan or vice versa, and all of them continuously hear voices asking them about their desires and treasures. They fight off the Yarhi, but can't actually communicate with each other. They walk into The End of Dreams, and finally manage to meet each other. In the process, Llyud appears to begin to experience emotion again. Vaan tells them that he's willing to hear Balthier's reasons for his actions.
- They travel to Illusion's Home, where Velis appears to them and indicates that the Yarhi were the ones toying with them. Numerous Yarhi appear, and Vaan defends against them. Velis tells them the truth about the auracite - that using it causes its user's anima to disappear, and that the nature of Yarhi are based on the feelings of the anima that was used to create it. Velis tells them that when he disappears, some of Mydia's feelings may come back. In addition, he implores them to destroy the auraliths and restore the aegyl's anima. Finally, he tells them that the last auralith is in the Keep of Forgotten Time, but only Mydia knows how to get there. At last, he and the other Yarhi disappear, leaving the sword Anastasia for Vaan to use.
Chapter 7, Part 2: The Oath
- With the aegyl's anima released and Mydia's own anima returned, her anger and sorrow come back in full force. She begins her attack on Ivalice in earnest, providing the sky pirates with auracite and terrorizing various areas on the continent. She is conflicted, however, and (subconsciously?) leaves clues leading toward the Feol Warren, where she travels to fulfil her own dark desires.
- Returning to the Galbana, Vaan and party find Nono, the Strahl's mechanic, aboard, along with Fran and Balthier. The Strahl's broken down, so they tag along. After a confrontation between Vaan and Balthier, the airship is ambushed by rogue aegyl; their anima having returned, they are attacking indiscriminately. After defeating them, Llyud decides he wants to destroy the remaining auralith to remove the barrier and free the aegyl, despite the risks. Just then, however, the Leviathan arrives, carrying some new guests.
Chapter 8: Ivalice
- Ashe and Basch are aboard the Leviathan, used as a symbol of the newfound peace between Archadia and Dalmasca. Ashe reports the new attacks by Yarhi and asks for Vaan's help as someone who's had experience with them. She and Basch join the party.
- They head to the Dalmasca Estersand, where Lord Larsa is waiting for them, in the interests of inconspicuousness. After beating off sky pirates and their Yarhi barring the way, they meet Larsa. Larsa informs them that the fact that the Judge of Wings is dressed as an Archadian Judge is sowing dissent. After a conference, they decide to head to three places - the Giza Plains, where a guard has information for them; the Paramina Rift, where someone claims to have seen the Judge of Wings; and the Glabados Ruins, where Balthier thinks more clues may be hidden.
- Ashe enjoys a quite moment on the deck of the Galbana, and tells Balthier that she'd visited Rozarria's Ambervale previously (Al-Cid has apparently made good on his offer).
- In Giza Plains, after rescuing the Dalmascan guard from Yarhi, they find out that a fair-skinned viera was looking for information about the "floating continent" - Mydia. Fran tells them about the feol viera, though she doesn't know where they are now.
- In the Rift, they find a monument to the dead of Nalbina, including Velis. Mydia suddenly appears, and accuses Basch of being a deceiver and traitor to those who died at Nalbina. Basch isn't rising to the bait, though, and attacks Mydia, who raises a multitude of zombies to aid her. They find out that her feelings toward Ivalice are probably fueled by thoughts of revenge due to the Nalbina war.
- In the Glabados Ruins, they find a tablet left by Feolthanos, saying that his treasures (the Cache of Glabados) were meant for his viera wife and children - the feol viera. They also realize that the Cache was what summoned the Galbana. Filo and Kytes also find a map indicating where the feol viera dwell now. Finally putting all the pieces together, the party heads to Roda Volcano and the Feol Warren.
- They enter the heart of the warren, to find Mydia slaughtering the remaining viera. When confronted by Vaan and party, she throws her part of the Cache of Glabados into the lava, summoning many Yarhi to attack. When she's finally defeated, she returns to her viera form. She tells them that she killed the others so that when she dies, no other feol viera would live to be able to be taken over by Feolthanos. She finally passes away, and her soul guides Llyud to the Keep of Forgotten Time.
Chapter 9: Thoughts Forgotten
- The party heads into the Gates of Shattered Time, where they must fight the imprisoned anima of the aegyl, doomed to battle throughout eternity. The battle seems to never end, and Llyud thinks that Feolthanos may be trying to show them his sorrow. They manage to defeat them all, and continue to the Keep of Forgotten Time.
- Feolthanos appears, and transforms into the Judge of Wings. He shows them a vision of the aegyl they have been fighting, slain. He absorbs them and summons Yarhi to attack the party. After fending them off, Feolthanos attacks Vaan with a ball of light, intending to absorb his anima, but Llyud shoves him aside and is hit instead. Feolthanos lets him go, saying that the aegyl's anima are no longer worth anything to him. Llyud's anima is gone again. In response, the imprisoned aegyl anima overcome Feolthanos with visions of his past, when he leaves the Cache of Glabados for his family, and indicate they regret following him. He disappears, showing everyone that he was just an illusion.
- They continue further in, and find a giant auralith shaped like a winged man - this is the true Feolthanos, transformed into an auralith himself. They fight off waves of Yarhi, and finally Feolthanos summons Mydia's anima and again transforms her into the Judge of Wings to attack them. After beating her, the party implores Feolthanos to try and remember his own feelings. Sensing his anima begin to return, Feolthanos instead flees deeper into the keep, to the Womb of Feolthanos, a world created from Feolthanos's sorrow.
Chapter 10: Wings Eternal
- After beating several waves of Yarhi and a rousing pep talk by Vaan, they finally meet Feolthanos's final form. He summons Bahamut halfway through the battle. After he is defeated, Feolthanos appears in aegyl form before Vaan. Vaan is unable to defeat him, but the rest of his friends arrive. Together, they vanquish him. Feolthanos, dying, tells Llyud that he entrusts the future of the aegyl to him, and thanks Vaan for freeing him from his eternal suffering. He flies off and fades away.
- The Keep of Forgotten Time begins to crumble. Vaan and party are stopped by the Yarhi, who have come to see him off and say goodbye. Balthier tells Vaan to return the Galbana back to the aegyl, and to come back to the Strahl with him. Llyud tells him that with the auraliths gone, Lemurés will begin to fall to earth, and that he needs to find a new home for the aegyl. However, there's no reason why they can't meet again, with his wings and their airships. Before he leaves, Penelo dances for him. The ending scenes show the party returning to their homes in Rabanastre; Kytes apparently can still summon Yarhi, and resumes his magical studies with them.
Secret Ending
- After beating all optional missions, the final boss is at level 99. After the ending, a quick scene plays where Vaan and Penelo meet with Filo, Kytes, and some of his Yarhi, who want another adventure, but Vaan says he's taking Penelo on a date, grabs her, and runs off. The others chase after him.
Side Quests
- The majority of the non-story missions revolve around defeating Yarhi and/or sky pirates, defeating scions and obtaining pacts with them, finding rare materials (these are usually posted on the notice board by Larsa) or cooking ingredients for Penelo. Two interesting ones are number 69 and 70. The first involves fighting Rikken, Elza, and Raz in the Zwaua Rainwood, and the second is a final showdown with Ba'Gamnan and his three cronies in the Shadow of Pahalo. You can also find Gilgamesh and Enkidu in the Gates of Shattered Time - he's apparently lost, but will turn into a Yarhi and allow you to summon him if you beat him.
- The Well of Whispered Oaths is a side area inside the Keep of Forgotten Time. In addition to fighting Zodiark here, you can take part in the Midlight Deep, a ten-level dungeon. Each level has a different requirement to win, including fighting your own clones, and in the tenth level you fight Yiazmat. Beating him powers up the Anastasia sword. This can be done as many times as you like to max out its stats.
This tidbit from Nilfalasiel, who comments that the ring Balthier takes is not her wedding ring: "If you watch the cutscene where he asks for the ring, she takes it off the middle finger of her left hand, not the ring finger. As further confirmation, if you look at later cutscenes, like, for example, the conversation the two have at the Phon Coast, Ashe still has her wedding ring on her hand. It even serves as a prompt for a flashback of Rasler. The ring she gives Balthier is probably some kind of family heirloom." However, it seems that most sites assume the ring is indeed the wedding ring. Thematically it also would make more sense, as well. Anyone who has more information either way, please let us know!

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