Final Fantasy Compendium

Final Fantasy 10 Characters

See Voice Actors for all speaking roles

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[FF10] Originally a high-spirited, naive guardian assigned to Lord Braska. Auron accompanied Braska and Jecht all the way to Zanarkand, where he learned the truth about the Final Summoning. He attacked Yunalesca and was killed, but was never Sent. His last promise to Jecht was to protect Tidus, Jecht's son, so he traveled to the dreamworld Zanarkand. Jecht as Sin visited Zanarkand and brought Tidus into Spira. Auron fulfilled his vow to Jecht by protecting Tidus and Yuna throughout Yuna's pilgrimage. Auron became somewhat of a legend after Braska's pilgramige, and other guardians (such as Dona's Barthello) revere him. At the end of FFX, Auron allows himself to be sent and rests on the Farplane. Auron's original good spirits and high ideals were dashed down after death, and he became a rather morose straight-shooter. He doesn't speak often, but he has a piercing sight into matters and usually sees deeper than most people do. He doesn't beat around the bush; when he has something to say, he'll say it... and he's usually right. He gets all the cool lines, too. 8p He's intensely shamed about his actions with Braska and avoids the issue among company. In battle he's the strongest character in the game, with armor-piercing weapons, but rather slow. He carries a flask of sake (rice wine) and keeps his sword arm in his shirt; these are both signs of a ronin - a samurai without a master - which he adopted once Braska was killed. (See also Ex-Crossover:Kingdom Hearts 2, Jobs:Knight)

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[FFX-2] Lian's more taciturn friend, who runs away with him on a journey through Spira to search for a cure for Kimahri's horn. He doesn't find it, but does find insight.

[FFX-2] The young praetor of New Yevon also used to be a member of the Crimson Squad. Although he's noble, he tends to guard Yevon's secrets a bit too closely, causing much acrominy between him and his former compatriot, Nooj. Shuyin eventually possesses him and takes him to the Farplane.

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[FFX-2] (Aliases: Barkeep (NA), Master (JP)) The Hypello barkeeper of the Gullwings' Celsius airship is a funny little fella, just like everyone else of his race. He has a sweetie-pie who comes on board in chapter 5 (maybe).

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[FF10] Dona's bullish guardian who also doubles as her... I dunno, what's the word for "lover" if you take out the "love"? 8p He idolizes Auron (and degenerates into a slobbering mess when he meets him) and almost never speaks. Good thing, too, since he's never been known to say anything intelligent.

[X-2] Barthello later joins New Yevon - which conflicts with Dona's joining the Youth League. Much to-do is made of their tiff and (hopefully) subsequent reuniting.

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[X-2] The serious leader (and harpist) of the Macalania musical troupe.

[X-2] A hard-talking Youth League member who arrives in Besaid to train up the lackadaisical Aurochs for Youth League duty. It's an uphill battle for him. He's an old war buddy of Chappu, who constantly praised Wakka, so when he actually meets Wakka he's sorely disappointed. He does have some respect for him, though, and appreciates his desire to protect those he's close to, although he insults his actual ability to do so.

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[FF10] A summoner (looking rather like Princess Leia) who's great at using her Aeons in battle. She constantly tests Yuna's ability to fight with her Aeons. Eventually we find out her home is in Remiem Temple, and she's yet another Unsent. Yuna agrees to Send her after she's defeated all of her Aeons.

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[FF10] The Al Bhed translator living in Bikanel; the only guy who can understand Cactuar language.

[FF10] The pioneer who, long ago, constructed lightning towers to allow passerby to actually, er, pass by the Thunder Plains. Unfortunately he got a bit too close to a big 'un and got fried. RIP.

Biran Ronso
[FF10] An old foe of Kimahri; he was actually the one who broke his horn years ago, forcing Kimahri to leave in disgrace. When Kimahri returns and beats Biran, though, you can't call him a sore loser - he accepts defeat with grace and dignity. He is later killed by Seymour along with many other Ronso.

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[FF10] One of those two damn annoying announcers in Luca.

[FF10] Yuna's father ended up being the last summoner to call the Final Aeon and lose his life in the process. Although an honorable, magnanimous, high-class individual, Braska was a bit of a maverick; he had a sense of humor. Yuna's mother was an Al Bhed, a fact that would have proved deeply embarrassing had the church of Yevon found out about it. Braska was protected on his pilgrimage by Auron and Jecht.

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[FF10] Rikku's Al Bhed brother... no, apparently he doesn't have a name. ^^; He's rather brash, but a decent blitzball player and a good airship pilot. He even makes a half-hearted attempt at learning English, such as it is.

[X-2] The "leader" of the Gullwings (although no one really listens to him), Brother has become a parody of himself with his ridiculous animations and voices. He's learned English to some extent, mainly in an attempt to impress the newly babe-arific Yuna.

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[X-2] A dark-skinned Al Bhed, he pilots the Celsius and puts up with Brother's antics as the straight guy in the Gullwings. He's also one of the founders of the group; he and Brother were the ones who discovered the Celsius in the first place.

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[FF10] A little girl met by Tidus and Yuna while on Mi'ihen Highroad.

[X-2] All grown up now, Calli hangs around the Mi'ihen Highroad and yearns to ride Chocobos along it again.

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[FF10] Wakka's little brother was also Lulu's sweetheart, if you can believe it. One day Luzzu convinced him to join the Crusaders. When he went into battle with the fiends, he was using an Al Bhed machina weapon instead of the tried-and-true Brotherhood sword... he never came back. Wakka never forgave the Crusaders or the Al Bhed, and his Blitzball was shot to hell after that. Tidus apparently looks just like Chappu (I can't see the similarity, meself).

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[FF10] The leader of the Al Bhed is bald as a billiard ball and speaks like Yosemite Sam. He cares deeply for his niece Yuna and his daughter Rikku, and is fiercely protective of them. He's a whiz with machina, like all Al Bhed. Strong, cynical, and quite the hard-liner. He was the brains behind the "kidnap the summoners so they won't kill themselves" movement, a cause which he feels quite close to, since Yuna's on the same quest..

[X-2] For some odd reason, Cid finds it useful to parade the Zanarkand Ruins as a tourist attraction; he hires Isaaru to be the main event. Naturally, Yuna gets annoyed by this and (if you like) tells him off. He spends most of the game sulking in the Thunder Plains, at which point he has to get rescued by his daughter and niece from a nasty monster. After this, he comes onboard the Celsius and makes a pain out of himself fighting with Brother et al.

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[FF10] The last hapless Chocobo Knight, who's great with Chocobos but is a wimp in battle. He (possibly) ends up becoming a Chocobo Breeder instead of a Knight.

[X-2] With the rest of the Chocobo Knights joining the Youth League, Clasko does as well, though he's still unhappy. After tailing around Yuna for a while, he finally realizes his true calling as a Chocobo breeder and makes a ranch where the Monster Arena used to be.

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[FF10] A stuck-up bitch of a summoner, who never really does anything summoner-worthy. Her guardian, the lump of meat known as Barthello, is apparently just around as her man-slave. O_O Of course Yuna ends up being way better than her, and Dona quits her pilgrimage, being too scared. I guess at the end she's not such a meanie, but who is?

[X-2] Ever the hot-fused, Dona joins the Youth League, much to the consternation of Barthello, who's with New Yevon. They fight and (hopefully) make up.

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[FFX-2] The Scottish-sounding drummer of the Macalania musical troupe.

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[FF10] Second in command of the Chocobo Knights.

[FFX-2] With Lucil, she joins the Youth League.

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[FFX-2] The leader of the young Ronso who are chafing to fight the Guado in revenge for the role they played in Seymour's slaughter of them. He's got a short fuse, but eventually Yuna and Kimahri manage to rein him in.

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[FF10] The naive apprentice of the Besaid cadre of Crusaders, who looks up to Luzzu as a role model and is devastated when he is killed in Operation Mi'ihen. Although he kept wanting to be in the middle of things, I think he got the point that being torn in half isn't a good thing. O_o He ends up back in Besaid, leading a new batch of Crusaders (very new; most of 'em are kids). (You can change his fate by telling him to fight on the front lines; he'll die and Luzzu will return to Besaid instead.)

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[FFX-2] A laid-back Al Bhed guy, who gets really annoyed at all the fighting between Nooj and Baralai, whom he used to be pals with in the Crimson Squad. After that whole debacle, he returned to the Al Bhed Home, to later found (or just lead) the Machine Faction. He's great with machina, but isn't quite as grandiose as his compadres. Apparently Rikku's got a crush on him.

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[FF10] A Luca Goer.

[FFX-2] One of Pacce's Kinderguardians.

[FF10] The only male summoner in the game. Flanked by his brothers, Maroda and Pacce (who double as his guardians), Isaaru is recruited by the Yevonites early on. First they demand that he slaughter Yuna, which he tries to do but fails miserably. He's never quite on good terms with her, but eventually after Bevelle falls to anarchy, he's installed there to try to put some order into it. Perhaps he's too busy to bother chasing traitors.
[FFX-2] Isaaru finds his new calling as a silly tourist entertainer in the Zanarkand Ruins, employed by Cid. Depending on your actions, his fate may simply be to watch over the Ruins after the tourists desert it. However, he may also end up leading the leaderless New Yevon while Baralai is possessed and taken to the Farplane.

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[FF10] Tidus's father is, quite frankly, a boor. He's the star blitzball player in Zanarkand, but unfortunately he's well aware of it. Jecht's encounter with Sin shoved him from Zanarkand to Spira where he unexpectedly ended up guarding Braska on his pilgrimage after being thrown in jail due to a Drunk And Disorderly charge. During the journey, though, we realize certain things about him - that he wasn't as mean a lout as he used to be, that he can actually control himself when he needed to, and that he really did care about his son, though he had no idea how to show it. Tidus always has a burning hatred for his father (whom he really blames for his mother's death of "broken heart") which is never fully assuaged. Jecht surrendered himself to become Braska's Final Aeon and therefore Sin... when Tidus has to fight him in that form, the swirling emotions of love, hate, and sorrow are almost too much for him. Jecht has a large tattoo on his chest, which also appears when he is in his aeon form; it also appears at the start of the game (above the words "Final Fantasy X Project"), and is on a chain worn by Tidus, as well as on Yuna's new outfit in FFX-2.

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[FF10] One of those two damn annoying announcers in Luca.

Jyscal Guado, Maester
[FF10] The well-meaning leader of the Guado helped them embrace Yevon's teachings and went so far as to take a human as a wife. Unfortunately this ended up in the birth of Seymour, which was not good for Jyscal, because Seymour killed him to become maester himself.

[FFX-2] Jyscal shows up as an Unsent in the Via Infinito.

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Kelk Ronso, Maester
[FF10] The wise leader of the Ronso. He's killed by Seymour.

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Kimahri Ronso [HERO]
[FF10] After a tussle with Biran broke his horn off, Kimahri left Mt. Gagazet in disgrace. Auron discovered him near Bevelle and told him to take Yuna to Besaid (a promise he made to Braska) just before Auron died. Kimahri complied, but Yuna begged him to stay with her and not to leave. He did, and eventually became her guardian. Kimahri barely speaks (in fact, it takes about ten hours before he says a single word), and when he does talk it's in the typical Ronso third-person-Neanderthal-speak. He's stolid and usually has something surprising to say when he does talk. In battle Kimahri's kind of a blank slate: you can make him do anything you want, but he'll invariably be worse at it than anyone else in your party. (See also Jobs:Blue Mage, Jobs:Dragoon)

[FFX-2] Kimahri is now the Ronso Elder, but no longer a playable character. Lian and Ayde, two young Ronso, have run away from home. The Ronso youth (led by Garik) are itching to fight the Guado, and Kimahri has his hands full keeping them at bay. Eventually Yuna (hopefully) manages to knock some sense into Garik, though, and Kimahri gets his own statue when people finally realize his leadership potential.

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Kinoc, Maester Wes
[FF10] Originally a fighter in the Yevonite's ranks, this ingratiating, double-crossing little man weaved his way up the ranks to become Maester of Djose. He looks quite comical with a machine gun in his hand, but of course ends up being double-crossed right back by Seymour.

[FFX-2] Kinoc shows up as an Unsent in the Via Infinito.

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[FFX-2] The overly shrill leader of the Leblanc Syndicate, a much less scrupulous sphere hunting group. With her goons Ormi and Logos, she gets in the Gullwings' hair whenever she can - although eventually they do end up working together. She goes all melty whenever anyone mentions her "Noojy-woojy" (barf). Although you might not think so judging from the way she treats her enemies, she's actually quite nice to her underlings, most of whom she took under her wing from homelessness and worse.

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[FFX-2] The most celebrated singer (and a summoner to boot) in Zanarkand a thousand years ago; she died tragically with her lover, Shuyin, in Bevelle when Shuyin tried to grab Vegnagun. However, her emotions and thoughts lived on in a dressphere, which Yuna inherited. Eventually Yuna uses the dressphere and Lenne's memories to confront the echoes of Shuyin in the Farplane and stop his plan to destroy Spira.

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[FFX-2] A young Ronso who ran away from Mt. Gagazet to experience the world on his own, with his friend Ayde. He eventually returns to Gagazet to report his findings and show Elder Kimahri where his priorities should be.

[FFX-2] (Aliases: Logos (NA), Sano (JP)) Leblanc's straight and narrow right-hand man; a whiz with guns, an embarrassing habit of taking sphere videos of pretty ladies, and completely useless in a fight.

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[FF10] The captain of the rather superfluous Chocobo Knights.

[FFX-2] Lucil is now Nooj's right-hand woman in the Youth League. When he disappears, she takes over.

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Lulu [HERO]
[FF10] Lulu has apparently made a business of being a guardian for summoners; Yuna's her third pilgrimage, the first being Lady Ginnem, who died, and the second being Father Zuke, who quit. She grew up in Besaid Island (though she seems extremely out of place with the islanders). She was romantically involved with Wakka's brother, Chappu, and after his death became fairly glum; she now rarely smiles. She takes a long time to get used to Tidus because of his resemblance to Chappu. Lulu has a jaded view of the world; she doesn't try to stop people from doing what they want to do, and they leave her the hell alone. She's very knowledgable and is usually the person who explains everything to Tidus. She shares Wakka's optimism in the Yevon church, but her world-weary approach means she's not quite as broken when she sees the truth. In battle, Lulu's the main Black Mage and attacks with cute widdle dolls. (See also Jobs:Black Mage)

[FFX-2] Lulu marries Wakka, and she's pregnant for the majority of the game (although not visibly so, mainly due to programmer laziness). Eventually she gives birth to a son, Vidina.

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[FF10] A hardened veteran of the Crusaders, Luzzu heads the Besaid regiment, with Gatta as his sidekick. Although he comes off as a serious, hard worker, it's actually quite the facade - his motto is keep your head down, always say "sir", and nobody bothers you much. ^^; However, his sense of duty is impeccable, and he falls in battle with Sin during Operation Mi'ihen. (You can stop this from happening by convincing Gatta to fight in the front lines; then Gatta will die and Luzzu will survive and return to Besaid.) He was the one who convinced Chappu to join the Crusaders; Wakka mostly forgave him for it, though it took a lot of work.

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[FF10] A scholar who follows Tidus around, offering pearls of wisdom on basically everything. His trademark phrase which he ends off all his tirades: "And that, as they say, is that."

[FFX-2] It's revealed that Maechen is yet another Unsent, who originally lived a thousand years ago in Zanarkand. Shaking Yuna's hand jogs his failing memory when he realizes that he had shaken Lenne's hand long ago, and he finally goes to rest.

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[FFX-2] The "grandmother" of the Cactuar Nation and the ambassador to the Al Bhed and humans. Using Benzo as her translator, she charges Yuna with collecting the ten Cactuar guardians to come back and protect the Nation from an ancient fiend. She can hold her own against fiends, though! Eventually she gets burned down, but a new Marnela (just a baby now) is slated to take her place.

[FF10] A serious-looking man, Isaaru's brother and his guardian. Yes, his brother. Yes, I know Isaaru is white and Maroda has dark skin. Get over it. It's RPG world.
[FFX-2] Maroda is one of the high-ranking Youth Leaguers, and specializes in spying on New Yevon. Depending on your actions, he either guards Isaaru who ends up being the new leader of New Yevon; or he actually ends up leading New Yevon himself, in a nice ironic twist.

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[FF10] The original creator of the Crusaders, who has an entire road named after him! Yay!

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Mika, Grand Maester
[FF10] He's older than he looks - in fact, he's dead. Yet another Unsent. He's the head of the church of Yevon, and quite odd... he subscribes to the spiral of death involving the Final Summoning, but only because he truly believes that there's no way to actually defeat Sin. He's fanatically opposed to anyone trying to pierce the dead beliefs of the church, however, and it takes a huge overthrow (i.e. Yuna) to make him Send himself.

[FFX-2] Mika shows up as an Unsent in the Via Infinito. Guess he wasn't really Sent after all.

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[FFX-2] The head surveyor of the Machine Faction expedition into the Bikanel Desert; she gets all the headaches when dealing with fiends, cactuars, and machina blowups. She also has an annoying tendency to assume Yuna will help with absolutely everything (not like Yuna ever refuses).

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Nooj, Meyvn
[FFX-2] A former member of the Crimson Squad and the current leader of the Youth League, where he's constantly fighting with his former buddy Baralai. He's a Deathseeker, someone who continually welcomes death if it claims him. An unspecified war wound gave him an artificial machina leg, which leaves him limping on a (rather funky) cane. Shuyin inhabits his body for a long time, until he gets sick of him and goes after Baralai. Nooj apparently has a romance going on with Leblanc, unlikely as it may seem.

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[FF10] A merchant with a Cockney accent and a backpack who trails around Yuna. At first it seems he's just out to make a quick buck (although if you donate to his cause his prices will be lowered), but it seems he's generally looking out for Yuna - although not enough to give her stuff for free. He's actually captured by the church and imprisoned for helping her, and his brother Wantz takes over the family business.

[FFX-2] O'aka buys up Rin's travel agency near Macalania Temple, but when the temple falls into the lake, the shop goes belly-up. His Al Bhed creditors chase after him, but he's finally (hopefully) rescued by Yuna. He reopens his shop with her contributions, and finds Wantz come back home. After a bit of a fight, the two brothers open up shop together.

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[FF10] The high summoner of Kilika, long dead by now. Although in this game that doesn't seem to mean much. He was originally a star blitzball player.

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[FF10] A member of the Yevonites who rebelled against the church, 700 years ago. He was imprisoned in the Omega Ruins and eventually turned into a fiend, the Omega Weapon. (See also Monster:Omega Weapon)

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[FFX-2] (Aliases: Ormi (NA), Uno (JP)) The fat guy who hangs around with Leblanc, goes "bwahahahah" a lot, and hits the Gullwings with a shield. He and Logos both have crushes on Leblanc, but she's only got eyes for Nooj.

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[FF10] Isaaru's second guardian and brother, even though he can't be more than seven years old. Maybe he can guard him from really small fiends.

[FFX-2] The leader of the Kinderguardians, a small-time sphere hunting group that sometimes blunders into situations way past their abilities, like the Via Infinito. Still, they pack a nice punch for such runts.

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Paine [HERO]
[FFX-2] Paine is the third Gullwing - the strong, silent type, who doesn't like to talk (even though, as Yuna notes, she gets all the best lines). She was originally a sphere recorder with the Crimson Squad, but after they broke up she went to find her own path, which eventually led to the Gullwings. Yuna and Rikku soften her up a bit eventually. (See also Ex-Crossover:Kingdom Hearts 2)

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[FFX-2] The tiny flautist of the Macalania musical troupe, who talks only in rhymes.

Rikku [HERO]
[FF10] Rikku is the daughter of Cid, leader of the Al Bhed, which makes her first cousins with Yuna (or, as she insists on calling her, "Yunie"). She helps her dad out with his salvage operations and on one of them, searching for the legendary airship, she meets Tidus. She agrees with her father's insistance that the summoners' pilgrimages are bad, but when she tries to capture Yuna, she's thwarted by the five other guardians. After a short talk, though, she allows herself to accompany Yuna and accept her decision about her own life. Rikku is the token high-pitched-hyper-teenager type. She's very idealistic and a bit ditzy, but she can keep a cool head, except in the presence of lightning, which she has an irrational phobia about due to a childhood trauma. In battle she can't do much damage, but she's versatile otherwise, being able to dismantle robotic enemies, steal items, and use special items in battle. (See also Jobs:Thief, Jobs:Chemist)

[FFX-2] Wearing even less than before (and sounding even dumber), Rikku now exists almost exclusively for comic relief. She's the one who got Yuna started on the whole sphere hunting thing, though. One thing of note is that she cured her fear of lightning by camping out in the Thunder Plains for a whole week. (See also Ex-Crossover:Kingdom Hearts 2)

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Al Bhed Diving Uniform


[FF10] A long-haired Al Bhed, who has set up Travel Agencies all over Spira in an effort to sell people things. He's always completely calm about everything and sees any crisis as an opportunity to make more money... although he never keeps any of it, to tell the truth: he uses it as part of a fund to rebuild the Al Bhed Home. He actively inquires into Tidus's bungling attempts to learn Al Bhed (or not so bungling, depending on how many Primers you've found).

[X-2] Branching into entertainment, Rin uses the coins found in the Bikanel Desert to start a new fad: Sphere Break. He's still keeping his hand in with the machina around Mi'ihen Highroad, though, and you might just find out that he's sabotaging them himself due to the reports of Mako - err... "planet energy" that could replace machina as the mode du jour of technology.

Seymour Guado, Maester [VILLAIN/GUEST]
[FF10] In my opinion, the most annoyingly superfluous person in any RPG. He became the maester of the Guado by killing his father, Lord Jyscal, and amazingly, no one seems to care. (At least at first... his servant Tromell eventually regrets his glossing over of the fact.) Born the son of a Guado and a human, the resulting childhood problems had his mother turn herself into a fayth and therefore an Aeon (named Anima) in order to give him more power. (Maybe try to spend more time with him instead of killing yourself, eh?) Seymour likes the power, though, and eventually his demented mind decides that everybody in Spira is suffering too much, so let's just kill 'em all! He decides to become Sin. Oof. Yuna and co. actually kill him in their first fight, but Seymour doesn't let himself be Sent. He actually tries to marry Yuna several times (gross!) and somehow manages to get generic RPG-Villain Big Bad Bodies during subsequent battles until he's finally Sent inside Sin.

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Seymour Natus

Seymour Flux

Seymour Omnis

[FF10] A squeaky-voiced cleric of the Yevonites. She also follows around Tidus and Yuna, affirming her undying faith for Yevon. Eventually even she is shaken, though. She ends up being the captain of the guards in Bevelle due to nobody else wanting to do it.

[FFX-2] Still working for anybody who orders her around, Shelinda is now a reporter for the (apparently) only sphere station on Spira, which is centered around Luca.

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[FFX-2] The genius Al Bhed inventor who tags around with the Gullwings, Shinra is nevertheless "just a kid". He can get on your nerves, though, especially when he beats you senseless in Sphere Break. It's just conjecture whether he's related to the Shinra of FF7, but a scene near the end of the game does seem to confirm that. There are also reports of more specific information being given on the Japanese-only "FFX-2 International + Last Mission".

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Shuyin [VILLAIN]
[FFX-2] The villain of the piece. Shuyin was a citizen of Zanarkand, who fell in love with Lenne during the war a thousand years ago. He tried to use Bevelle's secret machina Vegnagun to save Lenne from his own side, but both he and her were shot dead before he could reach it. However, his anger and hate were so strong that they lived on (in the Den of Woe, a cave below the Mushroom Rock Road), and he drove anyone who entered mad. However, the Crimson Squad survived his attack; he responded by "possessing" Nooj. In the ensuing years he manipulated his way up until he found his way into Baralai, and through him, into the Farplane where Vegnagun lay in wait. However, Yuna, channeling Lenne through her dressphere, confronted him and finally got him and Lenne to rest. It's just conjecture, but I believe Tidus was a "dream" of someone who was once a real person in Zanarkand. Perhaps the "dream" was a bit nicer than the reality, which is that Shuyin, who Tidus was based on, was not a very nice man at all.

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[FFX-2] On the one hand, Sin is a giant water-bound demon who attacks everything and anything, and whose toxin causes weakness and amnesia. On a second hand, Sin is the living armor of Yu Yevon, made from the Final Aeon of a summoner. On the third hand, Sin is the fayth who became the Final Aeon... in this case, Jecht. His multiple personalities make him a very hard thing to gauge. Apparently he fights mindlessly, which is probably all the more painful for Jecht who has to watch it all.

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[FFX-2] One of Pacce's Kinderguardians.

Tidus [HERO]
[FF10] The son of Jecht (whom he abhors and always tries to surpass, in blitzball and everything else), Tidus is thrust from the dreamworld Zanarkand into Spira when Sin visits it. About 98% of the game is seen from Tidus's point of view; in fact, he narrates his own thoughts frequently as well. Tidus is an optimistic, good-natured young man with high ideals, but he's quite human and a bit of a crybaby, as it appears. Although his main goal is to return to Zanarkand, he soon finds that he cares deeply for his new friends, especially Yuna. The news that Yuna won't survive her pilgrimage hits him particularly hard. During most of the game Tidus feels like an outsider, not knowing anything about his surroundings, but eventually he gains leadership qualities and becomes a real get-goer. As for what happens to him once the fayth stop their dream... it's left completely up to conjecture. (See also Ex-Crossover:Kingdom Hearts, Jobs:Fighter)
[FFX-2] Tidus hangs out in the Farplane. If you get the perfect ending, the fayths somehow manage to bring him back from the "sort of dead" to meet Yuna in the waters near Besaid. And they live happily ever after.

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[FF10] This hyperactive midget entertainment manager has high aspirations for putting on his shows (and generally manages to meet them). He relies on a Spira-wide network of Hypello to advertise his stuff, and oddly enough, it works. Obviously Yuna's appeal helps a great deal to sell his venues.

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[FFX-2] The founder of New Yevon, he aims to destroy people's pasts so they would look to the future. He's also the hardest enemy in the game, shuttered away in the bottom floor of the Via Infinito with all the other insane bosses.

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Tromell Guado
[FF10] The sycophantic retainer of Seymour, he follows everything Seymour does blindly - and not so blindly, destroying evidence of Seymour's patricide. He's a bit infuriating in his firm belief that Tidus is the Bad Guy, but eventually he regrets his deeds nonetheless. In fact, towards the end of the game he spends his entire time in the Farplane, apologizing.

[FFX-2] Tromell and the other Guado hide out in Macalania Forest, depressed and saddened by their deeds. Assuming the Guado don't get slaughtered, the other mystical Macalania residents save him with their music, and he accepts the responsibility of leading the Guado, returning them to Guadosalam and restoring relations with the Ronso.

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[FFX-2] (Aliases: Vidina (NA), Inami (JP)) Wakka's and Lulu's baby son, born near the end of the game. His name means 'future' in Al Bhed.

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Wakka [HERO]
[FF10] Yuna's childhood friend, Wakka resolved to become a guardian full-time after the death of his brother Chappu. When he meets Tidus, he's astounded by his similarity to Chappu and approves of Yuna's decision to enlist him as another guardian. Formerly the captain of the Besaid Aurochs, his blitzball got a bit rusty after Chappu died and he found himself unable to concentrate; he's still quite a good player, though. A fierce believer in Yevon's teachings, he's incredulous as he slowly perceives the church's hypocrisy. Wakka is laid-back and cool; a neat Hawaiian accent accompanies his statements. He's also devout, though, which sometimes sounds a bit weird. He has a good sense of humor and sometimes likes to horse around. In battle, Wakka's blitzball throws are great against flying enemies, and he can cause status problems as well. (See also Ex-Crossover:Kingdom Hearts, Jobs:Gambler)

[FFX-2] Rikku claims he's pudgier, but he looks exactly the same. Oh well. Having married Lulu, Wakka is now going nuts worried about what he needs to do to be a father. At one point he searches for a sphere of his parents, whom he never met, to find out what parenting is all about; but he fails. Beclem, a war buddy of Chappu, is disappointed in Wakka's wimpiness and knocks heads with him a few times. In the end, Beclem gives Wakka a sphere of Chappu, who asks why he couldn't just be a brother instead of a surrogate father. Wakka realizes that he can't always make up molds for him to fit into, and decides to go along with his gut feeling (excuse the pun).

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[FF10] O'aka's similarly Cockneyed brother takes over the business when O'aka is unceremoniously imprisoned for helping Yuna. Originally he was the FFX equivalent of a photographer, grabbing sphere shots of the party at inopportune times; but when duty calls, he answers.
[FFX-2] After being effectively booted out of the family business by O'aka, he shows up two years later at the Macalania branch and, after some arguing, helps with the new shop.

[FFX-2] A naive and principled member of the Youth League, who tends to get overexcited.

Yenke Ronso
[FF10] One of Kimahri's stupid taunters; he basically hangs around Biran and jeers at Kimahri. He's bigger but slower than his counterpart. He is killed with Biran and many other Ronso by Seymour.

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Yu Yevon [VILLAIN]
[FF10] The very first summoner. Yevon had the ability to actually inhabit the Aeons he summoned, and he transformed a particularly powerful one into Sin, a living armor doubling as a demon of terrible destruction. Bevelle's armies were blown away by Sin, though Sin's creation also caused the destruction of Zanarkand. The people of Zanarkand were turned into fayths, who kept Zanarkand alive through their dream. Yevon's daughter Yunalesca began the "spiral of death" with the first Final Summoning. Spira was so scared of Yevon that they constructed an entire church dedicated to his "teachings", which include laws against machina. Yevon remains in Sin throughout the spiral of death, continually summoning the dream of the fayth: Zanarkand.

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Yuna [HERO]
[FF10] The daughter of High Summoner Braska and an Al Bhed (the sister of Cid) (which accounts for her having one green eye and one blue), Yuna was brought up in Besaid Island. She's childhood friends with Lulu, Wakka, and Chappu (at least until Chappu was killed). She's always had the good of Spira in mind, and resolved to become a Summoner as soon as she could, not caring about the consequences. She's priveleged with no less than six guardians before her pilgrimage is up. After Sin is defeated, she becomes something of an ad hoc leader in Spira. As Auron puts it, Yuna's "serious to a fault"; though she does laugh and cavort at times, you always get the feeling she's just doing it as a diversion from her pilgrimage, which is never far from her mind. She's quite strong-willed, though, and once she decides to do something, no matter what the consequences, it gets done. She's rather private as well, and doesn't always tell her friends everything on her mind. In battle, she's the sole summoner and acts as a White Mage as well. (See also Jobs:White Mage, Jobs:Summoner)

[FFX-2] Yuna's undergone a massive personality change, probably due to the newfound lack of purpose in her life. She's now a carefree sphere hunter, a member (and de facto leader, notwithstanding Brother's protests) of the Gullwings. Her wardrobe funds seem to have been depleted, though. She now packs two guns and kicks ass. She runs around Spira searching for Tidus, who she thinks she saw in an ancient sphere. Eventually, after finding out about Vegnagun, and hearing about the fiend attacks around Spira, she abandons her sphere hunting for a line of work closer to her heart - helping out people who need it. Still kicking ass along the way, though. (See also Ex-Crossover:Kingdom Hearts 2)

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[FF10] The daughter of Yu Yevon was the first Summoner. Her husband Zaon was the first Final Aeon, as well... however, Yunalesca never died. She stayed on in the destroyed Zanarkand to complete the rite of the Final Summoning for all the other Summoners that came after. She's very powerful, and only Yuna (who was named after her) and her entire retinue of guardians was able to finally do Yunalesca in.

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[FF10] The announcer in Zanarkand way back at the start of the game; a huge Jecht fan.

[FF10] Yunalesca's husband became the first Final Aeon and the first Sin way back when. Nobody really knows anything about him other than that.

[FFX-2] Zaon appears as an Unsent in Via Infinito.

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Zuke, Father
[FF10] One of Lulu's previous pilgrimages had her follow Father Zuke; he quit, though, and ended up in the Calm Lands. He doesn't have much to do with the current story.

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Blitzball Players

Zanarkand Abes/Zanarkand Duggles
Kiryl, Toma, Naya, Luperis, Tidus, Shaft, Suzam, Cetan
Besaid Aurochs
Tidus, Wakka, Jassu, Datto, Botta, Letty, Keepa
Luca Goers
Bickson, Doram, Abus, Balgerda, Graav, Raudy
Kilika Beasts
Larbeight, Kulukan, Isken, Deim, Vuroja, Nizarut
Al Bhed Psyches
Eigaar, Judda, Blappa, Lakkam, Berrik, Nimrook
Ronso Fangs
Basik Ronso, Nuvy Ronso, Argai Ronso, Irga Ronso, Gazna Ronso, Zamzi Ronso
Guado Glories
Giera Guado, Auda Guado, Zazi Guado, Pah Guado, Navara Guado, Noy Guado
Free Agents
Biggs, Wedge, Brother, Rin, Kyou, Zalitz, Kiyuri, Shaami, Shuu, Zev Ronso, Jumal, Tatts, Svanda, Durren, Nedus, Vilucha, Naida, Mifurey, Miyu, Mep, Yuma Guado, Ropp, Linna

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Final Fantasy, all games and animation bearing the Final Fantasy name, and all characters in said games or animation are copyright their respective creators, including but not limited to Squaresoft, Square Enix, Square EA, Tokyo TV, and ADV Films.