SeeD Written Test Q&A Guide. By ~Ian P. 11/18/99 This Document Copyright 1999 Ian G. Pueschel. This file may not be reproduced in any way without the authors permission. Salutations. This is just a brief guide on the SeeD Written Tests of Final Fantasy VIII, giving the questions, the answers, and reviews of each test, which are more or less quick references for those of you who just want to get the tests over with as quickly as possible ^_~. A big heap of thanks go out to Sei for letting me gut his incomplete FAQ for answers 1 - 9, and making the reviews easier to write. U rewl d00d. ;) SeeD Written Test Level 1: 1) Q. The Draw command extracts magic from enemies. A. Yes. 2) Q. GF stands for Garden Fighter. A. No. 3) Q. There are a total of 8 elemental attributes A. Yes. 4) Q. In battle, a higher Strength stat causes more physical damage A. Yes. 5) Q. HP-J is a junction ability. A. Yes. 6) Q. You can't assign specific abilities for your GF to learn A. No. 7) Q. Magic uses MP. A. No. 8) Q. You can name your GF. A. Yes. 9) Q. You can wear protective gear. A. No. 10) Q. GF level up with AP. A. No. Review 1: 1:Y 2:N 3:Y 4:Y 5:Y 6:N 7:N 8:Y 9:N 10:N SeeD Written Test Level 2: 1) Q. You can raise your Vitality by junctioning magic. A. Yes. 2) Q. Squall's weapon is the Gauntlet. A. No. 3) Q. You can Stock drawn magic. A. Yes. 4) Q. Any action taken while Poisoned causes damage. There is no damage if you take no action. A. Yes. 5) Q. Being hit by a physical attack removes Confuse. A. Yes. 6) Q. Squall's Limit Break is Kenzokuken. A. No. 7) Q. To junction magic, you need a matching junction ability for the stat you want to junction. A. Yes. 8) Q. signifies Junction Ability. A. Yes. 9) Q. The 8 elements are Fire, Ice, Thunder, Poison, Earth, Sorcery, Wind, and Holy. A. No. 10) Q. There is a limit to how much magic you can draw from monsters. A. No. Review 2: 1:Y 2:N 3:Y 4:Y 5:Y 6:N 7:Y 8:Y 9:N 10:N SeeD Written Test Level 3: 1) Q. Potions can restore a GF's HP. A. No. 2) Q. Magic can only be acquired by drawing from enemies. A. No. 3) Q. Selphie's weapon is the Nunchaku. A. Yes. 4) Q. You only need money to remodel your weapon. A. No. 5) Q. Whoever strikes the finishing blow in battle recieves the most EXP. A. Yes. 6) Q. GF also have levels; the higher their levels, the stronger their attacks. A. Yes. 7) Q. signifies Command Ability. A. Yes. 8) Q. Each party member can have up to 5 Character and Party Abilities. A. No. 9) Q. Command Abilities must be set to be used in battle. A. Yes. 10) Q. AP means Action Point. A. No. Review 3: 1:N 2:N 3:Y 4:N 5:Y 6:Y 7:Y 8:N 9:Y 10:N SeeD Written Test Level 4: 1) Q. Only Squall can use a Gunblade. A. No. 2) Q. Attack magic can be used against party members. A. Yes. 3) Q. There is an ability that allows you to make magic from items. A. Yes. 4) Q. Higher Vitality reduces physical damage. A. Yes. 5) Q. Blue Magic is learned by being attacked by a monster. A. No. 6) Q. The magic Dispel cures Poison. A. No. 7) Q. If you are KO'd with status change, but are revived after battle, the status change is removed. A. Yes. 8) Q. T-Rexaur is a monster that lives in Balamb Garden's training center. A. Yes. 9) Q. Squall's gunblade causes more damage by pressing at the right time. A. No. 10) Q. You can stock up to 255 of each magic. A. No. Review 4: 1:N 2:Y 3:Y 4:Y 5:N 6:N 7:Y 8:Y 9:N 10:N SeeD Written Test Level 5: 1) Q. signifies Party Ability. A. No. 2) Q. You can Draw from party members. A. No. 3) Q. You can save the game anywhere. A. No. 4) Q. When a GF learns an ability, some new abilities may appear. A. Yes. 5) Q. A Character Ability must be set; otherwise, it is useless. A. Yes. 6) Q. The higher the Speed stat, the better your chances of using a Limit Break. A. No. 7) Q. An Ability is something you learn by gaining EXP. A. No. 8) Q. Under Zombie, you succumb more easily to Holy attacks. A. Yes. 9) Q. 'Physical Attack' means harm caused by use of weapons like swords and guns. A. Yes. 10) Q. You can steal Steel Pipe from a Wendigo. A. Yes. Review 5: 1:N 2:N 3:N 4:Y 5:Y 6:N 7:N 8:Y 9:Y 10:Y SeeD Written Test Level 6: 1) Q. Zell's weapons are gloves. A. Yes. 2) Q. You can still summon GF when Silenced. A. No. 3) Q. Ifrit can learn the F Mag-RF ability. A. Yes. 4) Q. If more than one GF with the same junction ability is junctioned to a character, the effect of those abilities remain the same. A. Yes. 5) Q. All status changes return to normal after battle. A. No. 6) Q. You can use the Attack and Draw commands without junctioning a GF. A. No. 7) Q. When you set Squall's gunblade on auto, there is no need to press . A. Yes. 8) Q. The Mag stat determines the strength and effectiveness of magic. A. Yes. 9) Q. When using Auto to junction, you can only choose from Atk or Def. A. No. 10) Q. A Grat uses Sleep attacks. A. Yes. Review 6: 1:Y 2:N 3:Y 4:Y 5:N 6:N 7:Y 8:Y 9:N 10:Y SeeD Written Test Level 7: 1) Q. Evade indicates how well you can evade physical attacks. Higher Eva stat reduces hits from physical attacks. A. Yes. 2) Q. Using Fire against enemies that absorb Fire raises their HP. A. Yes. 3) Q. Squall's finishing blow is different depending on the type of gunblade he uses. A. Yes. 4) Q. By using F Mag-RF, you can refine 5 Fires from 1 M-Stone Piece. A. Yes. 5) Q. Only 1 rare card exists in the whole world. A. Yes. 6) Q. A Buel sometimes uses Fire. A. Yes. 7) Q. Spirit only relates to using Confuse. Higher Spr stat increases the likelihood of success when using Confuse. A. No. 8) Q. A Geezard drops many Screws. A. Yes. 9) Q. Enemies level up as yo do. A. Yes. 10) Q. You encounter fewer enemies on the World Map if you walk instead of run. A. No. Review 7: 1:Y e:Y 3:Y 4:Y 5:Y 6:Y 7:N 8:Y 9:Y 10:N SeeD Written Test Level 8: 1) Q. Galbadian Soldiers don't use magic. A. No. 2) Q. Weapons can be remodeled into more powerful models at the Junk Shop. A. Yes. 3) Q. signifies Character Ability. A. No. 4) Q. Casting Slow over Haste will cancel Haste and return the target's status back to normal. A. No. 5) Q. You encounter more enemies in the forest than the plains on the World Map. A. Yes. 6) Q. When Elem-Def goes over 100%, that element's damage will be absorbed. A. Yes. 7) Q. The Garden exists only in Balamb. A. No. 8) Q. There are no Bombs in the Fire Cavern. A. No. 9) Q. Each GF can learn different abilities. A. Yes. 10) Q. Junk Shops sell weapons. A. No. Review 8: 1:N 2:Y 3:N 4:N 5:Y 6:Y 7:N 8:N 9:Y 10:N SeeD Writtel Test Level 9: 1) Q. You can cast the GF you drew instead of Stock. A. No. 2) Q. signifies Menu Ability. A. Yes. 3) Q. Magic listed in Selphie's Limit Break is magic she owns. A. No. 4) Q. If a GF is hardly used, or has low compatibility with party members, it may leave your party. A. No. 5) Q. Party Abilities can be used without setting them as abilities. A. No. 6) Q. GF left KO'd too long perish and cannot be revived. A. No. 7) Q. 1 Sharp Spike refines into 5 AP Ammo. A. No. 8) Q. Defeating the enemy who caused a status change returns status to normal. A. No. 9) Q. Enemies change attack patterns as you level up. A. Yes. 10) Q. When Poisoned, every action you take damages you. A. Yes. Review 9: 1:N 2:Y 3:N 4:N 5:N 6:N 7:N 8:N 9:Y 10:Y SeeD Written Test Level 10: 1) Q. Use the magic Confuse to inflict confuse status on your enemy. A. Yes. 2) Q. A Potion restores 100 HP. A. No. 3) Q. Quistis' weapon is a magic sword. A. No. 4) Q. ATB stands for Ability Tone Black. A. No. 5) Q. You are more susceptible to fire under Zombie. A. No. 6) Q. You can refine 1 Tent from 1 Healing Water by using the Menu Ability Tool-RF. A. No. 7) Q. EXP are divided equally among all characers participating in battle. A. No. 8) Q. Blind sucks out an enemy's brain to prevent him from attacking. A. No. 9) Q. Esuna or Soft removes petrify. A. Yes. 10) Q. Nothing removes Sleep. A. No. Review 10: 1:Y 2:N 3:N 4:N 5:N 6:N 7:N 8:N 9:Y 10:N SeeD Written Test Level 11: 1) Q. GF can regain HP while walking. A. Yes. 2) Q. The Draw command must be set in order to use a Draw Point. A. Yes. 3) Q. Limit Breaks always kill enemies. A. No. 4) Q. Siren can learn the ability Teatment. A. Yes. 5) Q. You can junction more than one GF. A. Yes. 6) Q. Adamantine is an item dropped by a level 10 Adamantoise. A. No. 7) Q. You can rearrange the magic and items displayed during battle. A. Yes. 8) Q. Shiva can learn Doom right after becoming an ally. A. No. 9) Q. Drain absorbs HP from enemies, but can't be used to absorb from party members. A. No. 10) Q. Recovery magic damages Undead monsters. A. Yes. Review 11: 1:Y 2:Y 3:N 4:Y 5:Y 6:N 7:Y 8:N 9:N 10:Y SeeD Written Test Level 12: 1) Q. Armadodo absorbs Earth attacks. A. No. 2) Q. You can refine 20 Curas from 1 Healing Water by using L Mag-RF. A. Yes. 3) Q. You receive EXP after the battle is won even when KO'd. A. No. 4) Q. You can only draw GF from an enemy or defeat a GF to make them yours. A. No. 5) Q. The maximum number of magic that can be drawn from an enemy in one turn is 9. A. Yes. 6) Q. You can't steal Sharp Spike from a Grand Mantis. A. No. 7) Q. Press